~ Conclusive Proclamation ~

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So...We Made It.

After around 200 Chapters, 15 Seasons, a couple of OCs, a few sub-Plots, and one Ship we've now concluded the book "Light Against Dark" originally named "Ninjago: The Story."

I cannot express enough gratitude to each and every person who has taken the time to read and follow this story that has been unfolding for the past two years or so. It is truly humbling and heartwarming to know that there are Ninjago Fans out there who have invested their time and energy into following this journey I've recreated for the show. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable, and I want to sincerely thank you.

To have readers who have stuck with this story since its beginning, and to have gained new readers along the way is a testament to the power of (my very bad in the beginning) storytelling, heh.😅

Even though this was my first fanfic on this platform and had a very...controversial narrative, I'm happy that I didn't discontinue this plot through the ups and downs of this book and made to the well-deserved ending of these characters.

Special Thanks to Those Who Stuck Around for a Very Long Time

Camo_Cynthia: My first reader who I forced onto the platform to read my book and now makes her own stories. Still happy that she made sure to binge-read my chapters so she could be there for the ending! 

MissLumi360: She read my book for more than a year and I'm still surprised she's still here. It was pleasure to have you reading! 

boris_5382: Always was a joy to have him theorize and contribute to the story! Showed his continuous support through many of his comments over the last year which kept me going for the ending.

Superdragooon: Those "amazings" always made my day back then just as they still do now.

Through their engagement and feedback is how I have been able to refine and develop the narrative, ultimately making it a more captivating experience for everyone involved.

I would also like to Thank...














...For their Comments and Votes on almost every Chapter which I am very grateful for.

If there were other readers I didn't add, that's because they're were so many of you, I lost count, hehe. But either way, I'm thankful for everyone who read this story at any point and made it to the end to see this message.

The fact that this story has resonated with so many individuals is a dream come true for any writer. Your comments, messages, and emails have all been a source of inspiration and motivation for me to continue writing and delivering the best possible story. Whether you have shared your thoughts, critiqued constructively, or simply expressed your enjoyment, please know that each and every interaction has been cherished.

As we move forward, on this journey that has woven us all together, please accept my deepest appreciation for your unwavering support and dedication. Your readership and engagement have meant the world to me, and I am beyond grateful to have you by my side as this story comes to a close.

Though it may be an end to this timeline, as some of you know, there will be a reboot of Crystal's story coming in the fall of 2023. As I have many unused ideas that should be executed one way or another.

The story will be called "The Balance." And will be a rewrite of this story with better story-telling, sub-plots, and characters.

So in the near future, I really hope to see most of my old readers in that story and read how much I've improved over the years of my story-writing.

And...that's it.

To conclude, this is the ending of "Light Against Dark," my first story on the platform.

Beginning on the 17th of April, 2021 and ending on the 15th of August, 2023.

Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time reading this.

And this is Golden*Shadow, signing off.

Until next time.





"Endings Are Never Really Endings, Only New Beginnings..." 

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