Chapter 178: The Benefit of Grief

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(In the desert, Kai, Crystal, and Dareth are hiking exhaustedly. While, Zane is seen walking, not affected by the heat, as Dareth looks at him.)

Kai: Ugh, are we there yet? (He trips on the sand.) Woah- (He faceplants and gives off a muffled groan.) I think Styx was right, being the Master of Fire is probably making me over-heated. (Crystal helps him up.) Nya probably would still be keeping her cool right now. 

Crystal: Even if she doesn't have her powers?

Kai: Ugh, even then. (He spits out the sand.) Ugh, just look at Zane.   

Dareth: (Pants.)'re not...thirsty at all?

Zane: No. Being a Nindroid is not without benefits.

Dareth: Ugh, I wish I were a Nindroid.

Crystal: Are we any closer to Twitchy's, Zane?

Zane: (He scans the area.) Well-

Kai(He spots a van driving by.) Hey, there's a van! 

Crystal: (She looks back and doesn't see anything.) Kai, are you sure you aren't seeing another mirage again- 

Kai: No, this time I actually see one! Hey. Hey! Hey, wait! (He runs after the van as the others see it.) 

Zane: Kai is correct. There is a van.

Crystal: Wait, Kai! (She runs after Kai as Zane and Dareth follow her.) We're on the run remember!

Kai: (Not hearing Crystal.) Wait wait wait! Stop, stop please! (He waves his hands.) Help! Help!

(The van stops and reverses to the Ninja. Crystal gestures to Zane's appearance as he cloaks himself with his hologram.)

Sally: (Rolling down the window.) Hi, guys! Whatcha doing way out here?

Kai: We were, uh.....

Crystal: (Kai looks at her.) Camping. We were looking for an oasis, and we got a little...lost. 

Sally: Uh, how come you're dressed up like the Ninja? (Her gaze lingers on Crystal.) You kind of look familiar.

Crystal: Uh, well- 

Dareth: We were, uh, costume camping! (He waves his hand as Crystal backs away.) It's a thing. Lots of people are doing it. 

Sally: They are? 

Dareth: (He nods rapidly.) Yup!

Kai: Anyway! We could really use a ride. To the nearest gas station if possible. 

Sally: Sure! Hop in.

Kai: Thanks.

(The four board the van. Sally turns on the music, and Sally's Song begins to play.)

Dareth: So, you don't recognize these guys?

Sally: No, why? Should I?

Kai: He's just joking. Hehahaha. (He nudges Dareth. Whipering) Shhh! We can't reveal ourselves. 

Crystal: (She looks back to see some boxes.) Uh, so, are you moving or something of the sort, Sally?

Sally: Yep! All the way to Ninjago City! I'm gonna be a singer. I'm gonna be like, on the radio, and TV, and in concerts and stuff. Just like the Light Ninja! She's my idol! 

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