Chapter 66: The Hands of Time

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(The Chapter begins with several people waiting in a line outside a Borg store, excitedly as a woman soon cuts in line. Moving back, along the sky is a Borg blimp before the scene soon moves up to the remains of the Monastery of Spinjitzu where several bushes had grown as a butterfly lands on a flower. A rabbit comes up to the flower and eats it, scaring the butterfly off before a pocket watch in someone's hand opens, revealing 5:30 as thunder was heard. As it moves by a minute, the rabbit looks up to see a red, blue, yellow, and green distortion appear in the sky, scaring it away as someone soon comes out of it and lands in the middle)

Wu: Right on time.

Acronix: What? (He turns to see it is Wu, who is holding the pocket watch)

Wu: Long time, no see.

Acronix: Master Wu? You look...old. As if your best days have passed. Not unlike your monastery.

Wu: (closes the pocket watch and puts it in his beard.) I still have plenty of days left. (Stands up as the mystery man moves a hand behind his back) Shall we finish what we started? I've been waiting decades.

Acronix: Really? (is revealed to be hiding a dagger behind his back) It doesn't feel that long to me.

Wu: This ends now.

(At the Ninjago Mueseum of History, Jay is holding the head of Samukai the mannequin.)

Jay: This ends now, Samukai. Nope, pretending this is the actual Samukai doesn't make cleaning up the museum any more interesting. This is so lame. We're ninja, not janitors.

Lloyd: (passing by with Chen the mannequin on a cart) Come on, Jay. We're all kind of responsible for the damage to the museum. After all, if we hadn't had that massive battle on the Day of the Departed, this place would still be in one piece.

Jay: Yeah, and whose fault is that, Cole? 

Cole: (Looking at Yang's portrait.) Okay. How many more times do I have to say I'm sorry for accidentally unleashing the ghostly forces of evil that attacked Ninjago? (places the portrait in a nearby wheelbarrow.)

Jay: (Placing the Samukai head in a nearby box) How high can you count?

Crystal: Come on Jay, it wasn't his fault entirely. If you hadn't forgot him with the others than he would have never have left.

Jay: I guess you right.

(Cole grabs the wheelbarrow handles, but his arms soon glow orange, making him let go)

Jay: Eh, speaking of which, you're still not used to having your old, non-ghost hands back? (takes the box with him)

Cole: (Arms return to normal and he starts cleaning up the minor mess he made) I'm working on it.

(Cole catches up to Jay as they came out to the main part of the museum as Nya struggles to carry a box)

Nya: This is exhausting. (puts the box down to straighten her back and lays her head on the box) If I could go back in time, I'd tell Dr. Saunders we were too busy to help.

Zane: (pulling a cart with Cryptor the mannequin) Nya, you may recall that the rest of us once time-travelled. It can have devastating effects, and should not be used lightly. Certainly not to get out of labor.

Crystal: It was just an expression, Zane. (Nya walks over to Kai.)

Kai: I... I don't believe it.

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