Chapter 161: Long Live the King

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(Maya, Crystal, and Nya escape in the APS suits, pursued by Ripper Sharks in the water.)

Nya: Move it, Mom!

Maya: I'm going as fast as I can!

Nya: Well, they're going faster! I hope they're not hungry!

Maya: These suits are metal. Don't they know metal tastes terrible?

Nya: I don't think they care, Mom! (A sulfur blast causes Maya to veer off course, but Nya pulls her back.) I've got you, Mom.

Maya: Nya! Move it or lose it!

Nya: Crystal, use your powers!

Crystal: (She tries to summon her powers but fails.) They're not working!

Nya: What do you mean they're not working?! You blasted a pillar less than an hour ago.

Maya: Maybe if we get close to the surface the Light-

Crystal: (Her black streak disappears.) We're too deep underwater, we'll never make it. 

Nya: (She notices her oxygen levels.) And we're almost out of the air.

Crystal: (She tries to go faster.) They're too fast! We can't outswim them! 

Nya: Of course, this is their element!

Maya: Water is your element too, dear. This far undersea, your powers are stronger than anywhere else. 

Nya: But-

Maya: I know you can do this, Nya. (Nya sighs and closes her eyes and uses her water powers on the sharks.) See? It's working! 

Crystal: Yeah, go Nya! I knew it was still in you!

Maya: (She looks back.) Oh, don't forget about the third one!

Nya: What third— (A shark slams her onto some boulders.) Woah! I can take him! (She summons her powers but they disappear as her controls stop working.) What? 

Crystal: (She watches Nya's suit starting to malfunction.) Don't worry, Nya! Just stay still- (She tries to pull on the shark using the suit but is knocked away.) Woah!

Nya: Oh, no no no no no, don't shut down on me now!

(Just then, Lloyd and Jay arrive and blast the sharks away with their harpoon guns.)

Jay: Back off, fish sticks!

Lloyd: Better late, than never!

Nya: Jay!

Crystal: Lloyd!

Maya: Impeccable timing, boys!

(Lloyd and Jay salute to the girls as they smile. Meanwhile, in the temple, Kalmaar picks up the broken cuffs when Gripe barges in and startles him again.)

Gripe: They have escaped, my Prince! But do not fear. I unleashed the Ripper Sharks upon them.

Kalmaar: You fool! I need them alive! I must have the location of that island! And how am I supposed to do anything with those Amulets without that Darkness Elemental?!

Glutinous: (He crawls up to them.) Sir! It appears they have been rescued by their friends. My sensors are picking up a vessel.

Kalmaar: What vessel?

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