Chapter 108: Ancient History

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(The citizens of Ninjago City are under attack. Aspheera and Char watch from atop a building.)

Aspheera: (Chuckles.) Look at them. Scurrying like frightened field mice. 

Char: What is your command? Shall we conquer the city? Build you a new empire?

Aspheera: I have no desire to rule a weak and timid rabble. I seek one thing: Revenge.

Char: Revenge, yes! Wonderful, sweet revenge. Against whom?

Aspheera: Who do you think? Against the treacherous deceiver who betrayed me. Who imprisoned me for ages inside a crumbling Pyramid.

Char: Ah, him. Him. That's what I thought, just-just checking.

Aspheera: I will repay his treachery tenfold. With the power of the Forbidden Scroll, I will banish him to the most forsaken place in all creation.

Char: But how will you find him?

Aspheera: With this. (She opens the scroll.) It belonged to him. It bears his scent. Fire Fang, to me. Lead me to the Treacherous Deceiver! Find him, Fire Fang! (She lets it smell the Deceiver's scent. It points to a direction.) He has it. He has the scent! (She gets on the throne.) My revenge is at hand. (Laughs.) Go, Fire Fang! Lead me to the one who betrayed me! Go!

(The ninja remove some debris.)

Lloyd: That way. Come on. (They see Fire Fang.) We gotta stop that thing.

Zane: Wait, Lloyd. Aspheera has beaten us twice. 

Styx: Yea, and with the scroll she is even more powerful than ever.

Lloyd: We can't just give up.

Zane: I am not proposing that. But Master Wu taught us to think before we rush into battle. We need to know more about her and this..."Deceiver." Perhaps then we will find a way to defeat her.

Kai: You're talking ancient history.

Styx: Yea, like really ancient. Like a thousand years ancient.

Cole: Yeah. Who do you plan to ask?

Jay: How about Styx?

Styx: I just said ancient. Did you not hear me or do you need to get your ears checked?

Jay: Just because it's ancient doesn't mean you can't not know about it.

Styx: yea, well-

Crystal: Both of you stop please.

Cole: We need to keep on topic guys, looking at you Jay.

Jay: Eheheheheh.

(After a few more minutes of thinking.)

Styx: I got it! What about Skales? Now that I'm saying it out loud, isn't it weird it took me this long to think of Skales?

Kai: Now that you mention it, it is.

Jay: But anyways: Yea! He's Serpentine. maybe he knows.

Nya: The Serpentine don't usually get involved.

Crystal: There's only one way to find out.

Lloyd: Okay. Jay, Cole, Styx, and Kai, you guys track down Skales. Find out what you can.

Kai: Well, what are you 4 gonna do?

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