It didn’t take Luffy long to realize that Law was serious. He knew that he couldn't change Law’s mind. And so he nodded in agreement and the two were ready to make a plan and end the life of Rob Lucci.

When night came, Luffy returned to the apartment he stayed in with lucci. It was quiet besides the faint sound of the TV playing in the living room. He walked slowly into the room and saw Lucci sitting on the couch watching a murder documentary.

Rob Lucci caught a glimpse of Luffy in his peripheral vision and turned his head to face him. He gestured Luffy to come closer and Luffy obliged.

When Luffy got close enough he pulled Luffy closer and gave him a kiss. He didn't intend for the kiss to be long but Luffy pushed on with the kiss.

Luffy began to move his hand to the remote while keeping on with the kiss. Lucci was taken by surprise, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he let Luffy take the lead, enjoying the moment.

When Luffy got a hold of the remote with one hand he turned up the volume and put it down when he got to 100. With his other hand he placed it on the man's cheek. Lucci felt a warmth radiating from Luffy's touch. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't even notice the front door opening. It was more like he couldn't hear it thanks thanks to the loud sound of the tv.

Law snuck in quietly and slowly closed the door. As he crept to the living room the sound of the TV got louder.

When he got into the living room he saw Luffy's lips locked with Lucci's. Even though law came up with the plan he was still pissed at the sight.

Without wasting another second Law sprinted towards them and plunged a knife he held into the man's head.

The sound of the knife entering the man's head was overshadowed by the documentary. Luffy watched in horror as the knife entered Lucci's skull.

Once Law removed the knife from his head Lucci's lifeless body slumped to the floor and blood slowly started to spread to the ground.
Luffy covered his mouth, muffling his screams of terror and backed away, eyes wide with fear.

Law kicked Lucci's body aside and walked towards Luffy. He put a hand on his shoulder and said, "It's over now, Luffy..." Luffy looked down at the lifeless body and back up at Law. He was filled with a mixture of gratitude and shock, unable to respond for a minute.

When Luffy could speak all he said was,"Torao...I love you so much"

Law had a cold look on his face and responded with, " i love you too", he looked around and continued with, " i need you to get out of the building and run as far away as you can from here"

Luffy was still a bit shaken up. Law then grabbed his arm and said, "I'm not joking, you need to go now." Luffy nodded and ran out of the building shaking. Law watched him until he was out of sight.

After Luffy was out of the building Law took every bottle of alcohol he could find in the kitchen and lit them all up and threw them down each hall as he ran out of the building.
The flames quickly engulfed the building, and soon the entire structure was set ablaze. As Luffy watched from a distance, he could hear the screams of the people inside.

He wanted to help them, he didn't want them to die. Not because some man they probably didn't know threatened his boyfriend's life.

Luffy took a few slow steps towards the building. Just as he was a few more step closer to helping the people, Law came running to him.

Law picked up Luffy and threw him over his shoulder just before he ran to where he parked his car.

After law ran for half a mile he saw his car. He first flung open the passenger door and sat luffy in the car and closed it. Law then got into the driver's seat. He started the car before returning home.

The drive home was silent but it wasn’t awkwardly silent. Just silent in the sense that they were thinking about what just happened.

Despite that, they both knew that there was no going back. They would be the only ones who knew that they caused more than 100 deaths that night.

When they arrived home law held the door open for luffy. As soon as they were both in and the doors were locked Luffy fell into law's arms and went into a deep sleep.

Law looked down at luffy in his arms and smiled softly and Luffy's exhausted face. He carried Luffy to their bedroom bridal style and laid him on the bed. He then tucked him in and gently brushed the hair out of his eyes. Law then sat on the edge of the bed, while watching Luffy sleep peacefully.

Then Law saw something shining in the corner of his eye, he looked over at the nightstand and saw Luffy's ring sitting there lonely and cold.

Law got off the bed and walked towards the nightstand. He picked up the ring and held it in his hand, his fingers tracing the edges of the metal. He could feel the warmth radiating from the trinket, as if it were still connected to the warmth of Luffy's body.

As Law held the ring, he looked over at Luffy's finger. He then grabbed Luffy's hand and slipped the ring into his ring finger.

Luffy smiled in his sleep, with a contented look on his face. Law leaned in and kissed him lightly on the forehead, feeling a wave of warmth and affection wash over him. Law closed his eyes, a feeling of peace settling next to him as he drifted off to sleep.

When morning came Luffy was the first to wake up, after he rubbed his eyes he sat up and looked at Law. He was still asleep and it was rare for luffy to wake up before him, but he was so excited that he was back that he didn't want to sleep for too long.

Luffy leaned in and kissed Law's lips softly before getting off the bed. He walked down the long staircase and made his way to the kitchen.

He decided to try cooking for law, he knew he couldn't cook many things but he was willing to try it out. So he rolled up his sleeves and got to cooking.

1 hour later, Law woke up to the smell of something burning. He shot up and ran out the room fast. When he noticed the smell was coming from the kitchen.

When he ran In it was too late, Luffy already burnt 85% of his food. And there was luffy, struggling with eggs and bacon.

Law was pissed off by the whole scene but the more he looked at Luffy the more he found the situation cute.

2 hours later law helped Luffy clean up and law made breakfast with the things Luffy didn't use.

While they were eating Luffy decided to tell Law that he was a few weeks pregnant with his baby. Luffy put his fork down on his plate as he prepared himself to tell Law he was pregnant.

"Torao" Luffy said trying to get Law's attention

Law looked up at luffy and responded with,"yes?"

Luffy took a deep breath before he told him, "Torao...I'm a few weeks pregnant...with your baby."

Law gasped as he dropped his fork and got up. He walked over to Luffy and got down on one knee and took his hand before asking, "do you want to keep it?"

Luffy turned to face him and nodded.

In that moment a rare smile appeared on Law's face as he said, " then we're keeping it"

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