My Name Is.....

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In a moment of unparalleled frustration and indignation, my once carefree and leisurely life, brimming with tranquility, has been shattered into a chaotic tumult by none other than a straw hat-wearing boy! Oh, the audacity! I cannot, and shall not, endure such an affront! With every step I take towards my intended destination, my stomps resonate with the intensity of my ire, causing the very ground beneath me to crack and tremble. Alas, my peaceful sojourn to this island has been marred within moments of arrival, all thanks to the reckless antics of that absolute moron!

My emotions swirl like a tempestuous whirlwind as I round the last corner of an alleyway, the pulsating fury within me nearing its boiling point. There, right before my seething eyes, stands the very epitome of my vexation, that infuriating individual to whom my ire is so ardently directed. He stands, blissfully ignorant, alongside a green-haired man, apparently preparing to board the very boat that had brought us to this island.

My fury finds voice as I unleash a bellowing cry, my words echoing through the air like thunderclaps, "There he is! Luffy, you insufferable idiot!" My pace quickens, propelled not just by my determination to confront him, but also fueled by the incandescent rage that rages within me like a blazing inferno. In that instant, both the straw hat boy and his green-haired companion turn their heads in unison, their attention captured by the raw power behind my voice and my relentless pursuit.

As I look at Luffy, my frustration boils over, and I can't help but let out a torrent of words, unable to even take a moment to catch my breath. "Why on earth can't you just behave like a normal person, just for once? Seriously, we've just set foot on this island, and you're already causing a commotion! It's beyond exasperating!"

As Luffy's eyes momentarily shift towards my approaching figure, a delightful grin widens across his face, revealing the thrill of introducing me as the other crew member he had mentioned to Zoro. With a voice tinged with mischief, he joyfully remarks, "Look, Zoro, that's the additional member of our crew!"

In response to Luffy's words, Zoro's attention is drawn to me, and he voices his thoughts, clearly unimpressed and skeptical of my potential as a valuable addition to the adventures that lie ahead. "A kid is your other crew member?" he utters, the hint of disbelief evident in his tone. "When you mentioned there was someone else, this is certainly not what I was expecting," he adds with a touch of disappointment.

Alas, my tirade doesn't seem to phase Luffy in the slightest. His expression transforms from surprise to a carefree, almost mischievous, grin, and this only serves to fuel my irritation even more. "Oh, come on!" he retorts with a nonchalant shrug, as if my frustration is no big deal. "Life is all about embracing adventure and the excitement it brings! Rules are meant to be broken, right?"

Despite my rising annoyance, I find myself momentarily struck by his perspective. Adventure does hold a certain allure, but it can't be reckless and thoughtless, can it? I take a deep breath, trying to regain composure. "Luffy, I get that adventure can be thrilling," I say, my voice steadier but still tinged with irritation. "But it's not about being an absolute moron and getting into trouble without a second thought! We have to be mindful and responsible in our actions!"

My face starts to flush with an intense surge of fury, and I feel my patience reaching its very breaking point. With an unstoppable force, I retort, my voice trembling with a passionate intensity, "Adventure is not synonymous with reckless chaos, you dimwit!" I can't help but release a deep sigh, frustrated that the message doesn't seem to get through to this seemingly impervious individual. "You never take a moment to consider the consequences of your actions, do you? It's like you're an unstoppable force of disaster, just attracting trouble wherever you go!"

Standing right beside the charismatic and free-spirited Luffy, the green-haired man attempts to mediate the situation, appealing for calmness, "Hey, let's all take a moment to breathe and talk things through." Despite his noble intentions, his soothing words seem to fall upon deaf ears, as my torrent of frustration continues to pour out in the direction of the straw hat-wearing troublemaker. As I finally manage to close the gap between us, I lock eyes with Luffy, my gaze unwavering and filled with an unwavering determination. "You may revel in your carefree ways, but you're jeopardizing the peace and leisure in my life!" I declare with a mixture of anger and desperation, hoping that my words will finally penetrate the unyielding resolve of this seemingly oblivious individual.

Uncharted Seas: A Tale of Bonds and Adventures - A One Piece FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang