Whiskers Unexpected Swiftness

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Django stood at the edge of the ship's deck, his arms raised high, and a wide, infectious smile stretched across his face. With exuberance, he cried out, "You guys!! Come on down!!"

The gleeful expression on his face seemed to suggest that our fate was sealed, and it was only further confirmed when one of the pirates already on the ground declared, "You guys are dead meat now!!" in a voice that echoed Django's excitement.

Barely a moment had passed before three intriguing individuals leaped gracefully from the ship, landing beside Django on the hard, unyielding ground. Their extraordinary strength was evident from the intricate spiderweb pattern that had formed upon impact.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I couldn't help but voice my thoughts aloud. "What questionable build they have," I mused, watching in fascination. After all, one of them, the fattest of the trio, sported an odd cape, lacked a shirt, and appeared to have fashioned his hair into what looked like cat ears. The next one was just as peculiar, with bulging arm muscles but strangely underdeveloped legs, as if leg day had been conspicuously absent from his workout routine for weeks.

And then there was the last member of this eccentric trio, perhaps the most peculiar of them all. Standing at an astonishing three foot nine, he was as rotund as the first, his small stature causing him to resemble a round ball more than a person.

"Amazing," Usopp exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear as he watched the daring leap from the high deck. "They jumped from that high deck!! Just like cats!" He added, trying to process the audacious stunt. "Although calling them 'cats' might be a bit of an understatement. I mean, they've got claws and... paw shoes? It's a very strange outfit."

Django, in his commanding tone, addressed Butchie, Siam, and Whiskers, "Butchie, Siam, Whiskers, listen up! We need to make our way up that path. But as you can see, there's something in our way. We need to get rid of it!" He pointed at both Zoro and me, referring to us as if we were mere objects rather than actual people.

However, the three individuals, if we can even call them that, exchanged uncertain glances and their serious expressions swiftly transformed into ones of pure fear. One of them, raising his claws tentatively, stammered, "W-we can't do that, can we, Butchie?" Fear was evident in his voice.

Butchie, the stout one who seemed equally terrified, added, "T-that guy looks really mean!! Right, Whiskers?" He shot a quick glance at the short, round man who shared his fear.

Whiskers, matching the level of apprehension displayed by the others, turned his gaze slowly towards me. As if by some strange magic, his fear seemed to diminish slightly. "T-that little lady over there isn't too scary, though!" he pointed out, trying to muster some courage amidst the chaos.

Django, growing increasingly frustrated with his reluctant crewmates, clenched his fists and sighed heavily. "You three are acting like scaredy-cats!" he scolded, pun unintended but oddly fitting. "We're pirates, for crying out loud! Act tough!"

Butchie, Siam, and Whiskers exchanged uneasy glances once more, seemingly torn between their fear and Django's words of encouragement.

Meanwhile, Zoro and I exchanged knowing glances, silently amused by the strange dynamics unfolding before us. It was clear that this pirate crew was anything but ordinary, and we were about to embark on a peculiar adventure unlike any other.

"I thought they were some kind of secret weapon!! They're scared to death," Usopp exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear. His face was smeared with blood, and each droplet seemed to amplify the tension in the air.

"We're just the ship's guards!! We're not supposed to take part in any fights," Siam interjected, glancing at Usopp with a conflicted expression. He held his arms out to his sides, as if to distance himself from the unfolding drama.

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