On The Same Page

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After chasing Luffy for what felt like an eternity, roughly around fifty seconds, he abruptly comes to a halt. Oddly enough, it seemed like an eternity had passed, although I couldn't claim to be exhausted physically. The mental fatigue of tailing this fool, on the other hand, was another story altogether.

"Huh? I'm outside the village?" Luffy exclaims, a look of bewilderment crossing his face. "He said head north, so I just went in the direction that seemed coldest!!"

I couldn't help but shake my head at his complete lack of navigational sense. "This moron," I mutter under my breath, realizing that this was just the kind of nonsense I should have expected from him. With a sigh, I finally reach Luffy's side and deliver a solid smack across his head with my right arm.

"Of course, you're in the wrong place. You weren't heading north to begin with!" I scold him, my frustration evident in my raised voice.

Luffy looks up at me, hands still on his head, a look of pure confusion in his eyes. "North is always where it's the coldest!!" He retorts, as if that should clear everything up.

I can't help but facepalm at his logic. "Yes, that's somewhat true, but we're on an island! An Island!" I practically shout, emphasizing my point with an exaggerated hand gesture. "It's a big world out there, and we happen to be on a small island. The temperature doesn't matter at this point!" I add, desperately hoping that my reasoning would somehow penetrate his thick skull.

Exasperation courses through me as I continue to stare at Luffy's perplexed expression. It's as if I'm trying to teach quantum physics to a preschooler. Taking a deep breath, I decide to break it down further, hoping to get through to him.

"Listen, Luffy," I say, trying to keep my voice calm despite the urge to scream in frustration. "The concept of 'north' being the coldest direction may apply when you're on the open sea or in the Grand Line, but this is a small, tropical island! We're not in the vast ocean right now. North, south, east, west—here, it doesn't matter!"

Luffy squints his eyes, still not entirely convinced. "But it's always cold where I'm going, you know? That's how I find my way!"

I rub my temples, struggling to find the right words to explain this to him. "Luffy, that might work on the sea where weather patterns are different, but on this island, it's not the same. We're in a forested area, not the open sea. And believe me, it's much easier to navigate by landmarks and directions given by locals than relying on your 'cold instinct.'"

Luffy scratches his head, pondering my words for a moment. "So, you mean, I should've just followed the path?" I nod vigorously, relieved that he's finally getting it. "Yes, exactly! Follow the path, and we'll find our way."

Luffy grins, his usual carefree self once again. "Alright, let's go then!" He starts sprinting forward, not a hint of hesitation in his steps. I sigh in resignation but can't help but smile a little. Traveling with Luffy was never boring, that's for sure.

Once again, as we ventured deeper into the unfamiliar territory, I noticed Luffy straying off course, seemingly without a care in the world. Before he could even break into a sprint, my instinct kicked in, and I swiftly moved to intercept him. Extending my right hand forward, I gently but firmly grasped his left shoulder, halting his hasty progress. "Luffy! Where are you going?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by the enigmatic intentions of this individual.

Luffy blinked, as though my words had barely registered. With a nonchalant shrug, he responded, "Hm? I just thought that if the coldest wasn't north, then maybe the hottest would be." His response left me baffled, and I couldn't help but fixate my gaze upon him, as if attempting to establish a meaningful connection with a mischievous monkey.

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