The Decision To Help Usopp

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As we made our way to the beach, our anticipation to find Luffy grew stronger. The sun was casting a warm glow over the sand, and the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing background. It was the perfect day for an unexpected encounter.

And unexpected it was. There, right before our eyes, lay Luffy, his face almost buried in the sand as if he had found the most comfortable pillow nature had to offer. The posture was far from ordinary, and honestly, who on earth would choose to sleep like that? But then again, we were dealing with Luffy, so discarding usual expectations was a given.

"Wait, what!?" one of the kids exclaimed, his astonishment evident in the way his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. The other child chimed in, sporting a similarly incredulous expression, "Are you serious? Is Miss Kaya in danger?" Their wide-eyed amazement mirrored that of the first kid's.

Turning to Luffy, the youngest of the trio asked with a mixture of wonder and apprehension, "Is it really true, mister straw hat man? Are pirates really planning to attack our village?" The gravity of the situation was palpable in his tone.

"Absolutely! No room for doubt," Luffy asserted, his arms casually crossed as he sat on the ground. Zoro, never one to miss a beat, raised an eyebrow at Luffy's relaxed demeanor and remarked, "You've picked quite an unusual spot for a nap, haven't you?" His gaze shifted to Luffy, silently asking for an explanation.

Luffy tilted his head in puzzlement, his expression a mix of confusion and innocence. "It's weird. I could've sworn I was on top of the cliff," he mused, maintaining his seated position, arms still crossed, as he locked eyes with Zoro.

Nami, always the voice of practicality, rolled her eyes and couldn't resist chiming in, "Well, I hope your nap was worth missing out on valuable information, Luffy." Luffy shrugged nonchalantly, his carefree attitude unwavering.

I glance over at the three kids and Luffy with a knowing expression on my face, connecting the dots. "So that's why Usopp was running towards the village like his pants were on fire," I mused, my tone a mix of realization and amusement. "It all makes sense now."

As the words left my lips, I shifted my gaze to Nami and Zoro, wanting to share my insight. "See, I knew there was something wrong with that butler guy," I continued, nodding slightly as I observed their reactions.

Nami chimed in, her voice laced with a reassuring tone. "Yeah. It'll be alright, the villagers have plenty of warning," she said, her eyes glancing toward the distant hills. "They can just hide out in the hills. Pirates are generally pretty dumb," she added with a hint of sarcasm, casting a quick look in Luffy's direction as if to emphasize her point about their cluelessness.

Meanwhile, the kids stood there, realization slowly dawning upon them. They huddled together, their voices growing animated as they discussed the situation. "Hey! maybe we should go hide too!" one of them exclaimed, his eyes wide with newfound understanding. The second kid nodded vigorously, adding, "Yeah, and we better take all our valuables." The third one chimed in, listing their belongings with a mix of seriousness and excitement, "Piggy bank... snacks... model ships... what else?"

Without skipping a beat, they sprung into action, a sense of urgency in their movements. "Hurry!!" they yelled in unison, their youthful energy propelling them as they dashed off to gather their possessions, leaving behind a trail of excitement and anticipation.

Just as those three kids made their hasty exit, we couldn't help but notice Usopp approaching us, a sense of urgency etched across his face. His right hand gently cradled his forehead in deep contemplation, casting a shadow over his worried expression. Suddenly, as if a bolt of lightning had struck him, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he let out a triumphant exclamation, "You're alive!" The intensity of his emotion made his eyes appear as though they might pop out of his skull.

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