The Townspeople

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As I take deliberate steps, drawing myself closer to him, his countenance transforms with each move I make. The emotions on his face shift like shadows, starting with a burning rage that melts into a perplexed confusion, and then finally settles into a deep-seated fear. His legs quiver and wobble under the weight of his emotions, causing him to collapse onto the ground, his backside hitting the cold surface. His right hand instinctively covers the grievous wound etched across his chest.

I raise an eyebrow, my voice dripping with a mixture of taunting and curiosity. "Seems like the bravado has vanished. What happened to all that cockiness?" I adjust my grip on the hilt of my katana, the blade gleaming dully in the muted light. With both hands on the hilt, I ready myself for a decisive strike, my stance reflecting my unwavering determination. "Weren't you the one who boasted about tearing me apart?"

As I steady the katana before me, my right foot subtly shifts forward, indicating my readiness to launch an attack at any moment. Yet, despite the tension in the air, his response takes an unexpected turn. His voice, though laced with fear, carries an air of indifference to the consequences. "Hahah, little girl, your strength is undeniable, but remember, this world is vast. Compared to those wielding true power, your prowess is but a mere whisper in the wind."

I cast a contemplative gaze his way, my eyes reflecting a well-considered understanding. While his words hold truth, they're hardly a revelation. I'm no stranger to the hierarchy of strength that governs this realm. With the inexplicable abilities some have gained from consuming peculiar fruits, it's hardly a surprise to encounter individuals of extraordinary might.

A faint, knowing smile tugs at the corners of my lips. For the first time, I peer at him not as a foe, but as a fellow human being with shared vulnerabilities. "You're not wrong. My strength might pale in comparison to many who roam this world. But that doesn't deter me from aspiring for more." Pausing briefly, I allow my words to linger in the air. "By the way, just to set the record straight, I'm not a girl."

Without giving him a chance to react to my bold declaration, I confidently bring my sword down in a swift motion. The blade moves with such speed that it creates another cut on his chest before he can even process what's happening. As blood starts to seep from the wound, it becomes clear that this final strike signals the end of our intense battle. His eyes slowly close as he succumbs to unconsciousness.

"He'll probably make it through, as long as someone stumbles upon him and provides medical attention," I remark, my eyes scanning the dimly lit alleyway that surrounds us. With a contemplative expression, I continue, "Although, I have my doubts if anyone will actually come across him in time."

I take a moment to let my words sink in before I calmly sheath my katana, securing it behind me on my waist. A wistful smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I add, "Well, it seems my work here is done."

As I stand there, the sense of accomplishment washes over me. I had meticulously tested every facet I wanted to explore, and the satisfaction is undeniable. I now possess a clear understanding of my limits, the velocity I can achieve, and the raw power I can unleash. Yet, what truly stands out is the revelation of the extent of my swordsmanship skills.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I declare, "It's time to regroup with the others. I hope Luffy managed to free himself from that cage by the time I get there."


After finally managing to reach the location where I believed they currently were, the first thing that struck me was the astonishing level of destruction that unfolded in every direction. The landscape appeared as if an entire army had rampaged through, leaving behind a trail of chaos and devastation that was hard to ignore. I couldn't help but verbalize my astonishment, exclaiming, "What in the world..."

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