The Final Confrontation Begins

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The arrival of this newcomer immediately caught my attention. With a cocky smile plastered across his face and a countenance that elicited an almost irresistible urge to introduce my fist to it, he stepped forward. "Captain Buggy, let me have the pleasure of tearing this girl apart," he proclaimed, his knife's tip ominously aimed in my direction. His tongue bore a striking resemblance to his captain's in both tone and arrogance.

However, rather than feeling threatened, I found the entire situation rather entertaining. A chuckle escaped me as I glanced at him, retorting, "Hehe, don't give me that look, you perv. Can't you see I'm the damsel in distress here?" My words held a playful edge, a deliberate choice to mock his apparent bravado. It was almost comical how he played into the stereotype so easily.

Leaning into the act, I continued, "Oh dear, please spare me, kind sir. I'm just a helpless little maiden." The sarcasm dripped from my words as I hammed up the performance. Despite not actually being a girl, I decided to lean into the role, all in the name of mocking this newcomer's arrogance.

Amusement danced in my eyes as I addressed him once more, "I must implore you, do try not to make a fool of yourself, especially in front of your esteemed captain. That, my dear sir, would indeed be a true tragedy." The thinly veiled jest in my tone was impossible to miss as I subtly taunted his bravado.

With a deeply enraged look in his eyes, he clenches his fists and leans in slightly before speaking, his voice dripping with disdain, "If you really want to die that badly, I will be happy to comply." His tone grows increasingly agitated with every word he utters, as if each syllable is a testament to his rapidly escalating anger, a crescendo of fury that matches the fiery intensity of his gaze.

While this exchange unfolded, Luffy, the man of the hour, seemed to completely disregard the newcomer's existence. His frustration radiated as he directed his anger at Buggy, shouting vehemently, "stabbing someone in the back! Thats fighting dirty! You got that! Big nose!!" His vehement protest seemed to be his primary focus, temporarily eclipsing the newcomer's theatrical entrance.

Upon hearing those words uttered by Luffy, a hearty chuckle escaped my lips before erupting into a full-blown fit of laughter. The infectious hilarity of the situation was just too much to contain. However, it seemed that not everyone shared my sentiment. Each of Buggy's lackeys stood there, their eyes widened in sheer shock, as the orange-haired girl's voice pierced through the air, her tone dripping with exasperation, "You fool! That's the one thing you should never—"

Before she could finish her admonishing sentence, Buggy's voice boomed out, a mixture of anger and wounded pride, "You dare to call me big nose?" His right hand shot forward as if driven by some invisible force. It was a surreal sight as his hand, gripping a gleaming dagger, detached itself from his arm as though guided by magic. The dagger sailed through the air, hurtling toward Luffy with an astonishing velocity.

In a chorus of worried shouts, both Zoro and I cried out in unison, "Luffy!" The tension in the air was palpable as the blade closed in, but in an unexpected twist, the blade's trajectory was disrupted. Instead of plunging into Luffy's flesh, the young pirate caught the blade between his teeth, his determination gleaming in his eyes. With a deft motion, he clenched his teeth down on the blade, causing it to shatter into a shower of glinting fragments. Luffy's voice rang out, his declaration laced with fiery resolve, "I swear I'm gonna clobber you!!"

Right after, my opponent's demeanor shifts suddenly. Without warning, he lunges forward with astonishing speed, his blade held menacingly high. In a split second, he propels himself into the air, his form graceful even in this ferocious attack. As he reaches the apex of his jump, his body contorts, and with a swift and powerful motion, he guides the blade downward, aiming directly at me.

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