Hypnotism And New Enemies

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Luffy, his eyes wide with amazement, shouts excitedly, "Hey, They're still alive! They've got real spunk!" His initial fury over Usopp's actions seems to have vanished, replaced by a sense of intrigue and curiosity that lights up his face.

I step forward, eyeing the pirates with a confident smirk. "It would be a massive disappointment if they were to be defeated that easily," I remark, my words catching the pirates off guard. They shoot angry glares in my direction, and one of them, the fattest among the group, looks at me with a strange mix of hunger and lust? I can't help but raise an eyebrow, puzzled by his odd reaction. Is that a bead of saliva I see rolling down the side of his mouth?

A gruff voice interrupts the tension. "Who do you think you are, little missy? This isn't a place for little girls to be playing at," one of the pirates sneers, attempting to assert dominance. However, Django, the peculiar man with a penchant for dancing, steps in. He holds his hat with his left hand and addresses the group with a commanding tone, "Be quiet, you lot. Please tell me how those two children bested the lot of you!" His curiosity seems genuine, and it's clear that he's as intrigued as the rest of us by this unexpected turn of events.

"Now listen, everyone! We absolutely do not have a moment to spare on frivolities here! If, by chance, our adversary proves to be a formidable force, then we must rise to the occasion with even greater strength," Django proclaims with an air of urgency. He reaches into his pocket, retrieving an intriguing object—a ring with an attached string that appears to shimmer faintly.

"Everybody, gather around and take a good look at this remarkable ring!" Django announces, holding it up for the group to see. "When I say one, two, Django, you shall all experience a remarkable transformation, turning into super-humanly powerful beings," he declares, slowly waving the ring in front of their faces, its faint glow captivating their attention.

Curiosity piqued, Luffy can't help but voice his bewilderment. "What on earth are those guys up to?" he asks, clearly as puzzled as the rest of us. Usopp chimes in, his face now entirely obscured by a bloodstained bandage, "Your guess is as good as mine."

Observing Django's actions, Nami offers her astute insight. "It's hypnotism, he's attempting to implant the belief that they're growing stronger," she explains, her gaze locked onto the pirates under Django's influence. A small bead of sweat rolls down her temple as she watches their reactions, her skepticism apparent.

I can't help but interject my own thoughts into the mix, shaking my head in disbelief. "This has got to be the most absurd spectacle I've witnessed all day," I remark, a sense of embarrassment washing over me. Not the kind of embarrassment one might feel in the face of humiliation, but rather the profound questioning of my own sanity for being associated with these individuals.

Despite the skepticism and cynicism of the onlookers, Django soldiers on with unwavering enthusiasm. "And not only will you become immensely powerful, but your injuries will miraculously heal, and your strength will continue to surge!" he proclaims. As he utters the words, "One, two, Django," an unexpected and wild occurrence ensues. The entire group erupts into exuberant cheers, their earlier wounds seemingly forgotten as they bask in newfound vitality and strength.

With a thunderous yell that echoed through the canyon, one of the pirates summoned a burst of incredible strength, striking the side of the cliff with a mighty blow. The very rock shuddered and then, as if responding to the pirate's newfound power, a portion of the cliff crumbled and tumbled down. It was a display of raw strength, thanks to Django's hypnotic influence, a spectacle that left us all dumbfounded. We had never imagined that hypnosis could grant such superhuman abilities.

Amidst the chaos, Luffy, always the one to stand out, raised his arms triumphantly into the sky and let out a boisterous cheer. "He hypnotized you too!" Zoro exclaimed in sheer disbelief, but deep down, maybe we shouldn't have been so surprised. After all, we were talking about Luffy, a pirate known for his penchant for the unexpected.

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