Backwards Man

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Things have just taken the most unexpected turn. Who would have thought that Usopp, of all people, would summon the courage to actually throw a punch in a fit of rage? I'm honestly quite taken aback, because his usual demeanor doesn't really hint at that kind of behavior. And let's not even get started on that butler.

"That butler... what was his name again?" I say, rubbing my chin thoughtfully as I search my memory. "Oh right, Klahadore, I believe," I add, shooting a quick glance at Zoro and Nami.

The events that unfolded were quite something. Usopp, simmering with rage as he was, stormed off without uttering another word. His anger was almost palpable, even from where the rest of us were standing. I must admit, even I would've been infuriated if someone treated me in the same manner. With Luffy off on some adventure of his own, probably searching for Usopp, we were left to grapple with the aftermath.

Returning to the present, Nami raises an eyebrow at me from her perch atop a fence, her expression full of curiosity. "Yeah? What's on your mind?" she inquires. Zoro, lying down nearby with his arms folded, also seems intrigued, casting a glance my way.

I shift my weight and cross my arms, adopting a contemplative stance. "Well, it's just that... that butler doesn't sit right with me," I confess, my gaze shifting between Nami and Zoro. "Kaya is obviously the one in charge, yet he spoke as if he held all the power," I continue, my tone reflecting my growing unease. It's all just so puzzling.

Nami leans against the fence, her brow furrowed in contemplation as she offers her insight, "You know, I think it's possible that his concern for her runs really deep. He might genuinely care about her, and his actions could stem from a belief that she lacks the knowledge or the confidence to voice her own opinions." Her fingers curl around the metal bars, steadying herself.

Listening to Nami's perspective, I chip in, my expression still puzzled, "I see where you're coming from, but I have this lingering feeling that there's more beneath the surface. It's like there's a hidden layer of significance. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the butler's behavior just felt strangely out of character." My arms fold across my chest, and I take a quick glance at them before continuing.

Zoro, his curiosity piqued for an entirely different reason, raises an eyebrow and interjects, "Hold on a second. How can you be so sure about how a butler should behave? Did you manage to recover your lost memories or something?" His genuine intrigue is evident in the way he gazes at me.

Perched on the ground, I ponder Zoro's question before responding, "I'm not entirely sure, Zoro. It's just that something deep within me insists that this isn't how a butler should conduct themselves. If I were in the mistress's position, I wouldn't stand for being treated in such a way." My words carry a sense of resolve, reflecting my personal convictions on the matter.

Wait! Hold on a moment, it's quite perplexing to me. I can't help but question why I'm experiencing these emotions. Strangely, even though I wasn't personally involved, the way the butler treated his mistress managed to evoke a sense of frustration within me. Odd, isn't it? Given that I don't have a butler myself, these feelings seem rather out of place. It's really quite infuriating, especially when I consider how much I wish I could recall my past. There's a nagging feeling that it must be connected somehow.

As if on cue, Nami interjects with a pondering expression, "I can't help but wonder where Luffy might have disappeared to." Zoro, without so much as a glance in her direction, swiftly chimes in, "Who's to say? Perhaps he's gone in pursuit of the 'Captain'." With his arms firmly folded, his trio of swords rests neatly to his right.

Suddenly, one of the children pipes up with excitement, exclaiming, "Actually, we happen to know where the captain has ventured off to!" The other youngster eagerly joins in, chiming, "Yep! He's headed to the beach! Whenever there's any commotion, that's his go-to destination!" they both proclaim in unison.

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