Buggy's Devil Fruit

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Buggy's fury escalates to a whole new level, reaching a boiling point as he catches sight of me succumbing to an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Zoro's presence seems to vanish into thin air as Buggy disregards him entirely, his focus narrowing down solely on me. Slowly, deliberately, he starts to advance in my direction, his voice trembling with anger as he growls, "That's it! You're going to be the first to die, you little brat!"

His words echo around us as he suddenly propels himself forward, a tornado of rage and menace. In his left hand, a curious arrangement of four daggers clutched between his fingers, while his right hand holds just one. It's an unusual way to grip a weapon, but undeniably intriguing. "Come here, girl! I'm going to tear you apart!" His voice reverberates with his wild intent as he unleashes a fierce swing from the dagger held in his right hand.

Amidst the intensity of the moment, a sudden cry pierces the air. The orange-haired girl's voice rings out, laden with surprise and concern, causing her pupils to dilate in shock. "Watch out!"

Oddly enough, I find myself devoid of any surprise, almost as if I had been expecting this precise turn of events. Without hesitation, I swiftly seize my katana, gripping it firmly with my left hand, and execute a quick, subtle motion to slightly unsheath the blade. Capitalizing on the built-up energy, I intercept his incoming assault with precision, utilizing the open edge of my katana to halt his dagger's advance. The clash of metal against metal resounds like a battle cry, marking the collision of our wills in this tense standoff.

Buggy's demeanor reveals his anticipation of my defensive move, his buggy-like form almost a mischievous grin, as he readies himself to unleash his attack. With a flourish, he propels his left arm downwards, the four gleaming daggers nestled between his fingers aimed at their intended target. His voice echoes through the battle area, a fierce proclamation of his intent, "Die!!"

In a swift response, I instinctively react, my right hand moving with precision as my open palm collides with his chest. The impact is palpable, a forceful strike that sends him staggering back, just enough to disrupt his aim and cause the daggers to sail harmlessly over my head.

Seizing the moment, I capitalize on his unbalanced posture. His left arm, still following the trajectory of its initial swing, becomes my anchor. With a calculated move, I grasp his elbow, employing the element of surprise as I pull him closer. My left hand, which firmly holds the hilt of my katana, becomes a weapon of its own as I strike his chest once again, this time with the unyielding force of the sword's hilt. The collision doesn't halt his momentum; instead, it propels him forward, and he crashes onto the unforgiving floor with a resounding impact.

Amidst the tumultuous clash, even Luffy's uncontainable amazement finds a voice. His jubilant laughter rings out like a melody, a testament to his unshakable faith in my strength, "Hahaha, see, I knew you were strong!" His enthusiasm knows no bounds, his head swaying in a dance of excitement, "That's exactly why you're part of my extraordinary crew!"

Similar to Luffy's reaction, Zoro's eyes widen in a mixture of astonishment and surprise. He lets out a low whistle, his lips curving into a grin as he regards the unfolding scene. "Well, well, seems like we've got some hidden talent here," Zoro remarks, his voice tinged with genuine admiration. His gaze flickers to Buggy, who's in the process of raising himself off the ground.

Amongst the crew of Buggy, a collective gasp echoes through the air as each lackey's face contorts with a mix of shock and disbelief. One of them can't help but burst out, "Did you guys see that? Captain Buggy just got pushed back by that little girl!" His tone is incredulous, the words almost sounding like he's trying to convince himself that what he saw was real. Another lackey chimes in, his voice tinged with amazement, "I never thought I'd witness something like this. Seriously, how strong is that little girl?"

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