21. Clarification

Start from the beginning

"I'm really really sorry. There's no denying I was too careless, I'll explain it to the media." You can feel Jeonghan's eyes on you but your mixed emotions make it hard to look back at him.

"Your clarification won't change anything, Y/N." The HR sounded more careful with her tone now, "People barely know y--"

"I will make the clarification." Jeonghan interrupt her.

"It only helps temporarily. We still need to do something after that." She was silent for a moment, thinking while massaging the bridge of her nose before she continued, "For now you should keep your distance from the group."

"Because of a misunderstanding?" Jeonghan looked a bit offended, it's rare for him to raise his tone, "Why--"

"I understand." You stopped Jeonghan by a firm grip on his wrist when he was about to charge forward.

Jeonghan look annoyed with your agreement. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, still seeking clarification as to why you agreed. You shake your head slowly, in your mind saying it's not worth it to argue about that. Unfortunately, Jeonghan's anger made him refuse to think logically.

Without another word, Jeonghan walked out. He, again, left the door opened--wider this time. The sound of Jeonghan's shoes squeaking on the tiled floor gradually faded. You decide to give him time to calm down.

"The problem isn't just about this misunderstanding." The HR broke the silence, "The amount of backlash he probably got because his fans once thought he was in..."

"...in a relationship with Rena." You finish the sentence then wait for her reaction. The absence of any sign of evasion indicates that your assumption is correct.

"I know. I'll make sure it won't happen again." You bow as a sign of sincere apology before leaving the room.

It's like a dejavu when you feel people's attention directed to you. If people inside the same workplace as you react this way, to imagine how the fans would react if they recognize you out there give you a goosebump.

The sunset light shines through the large window onto the table in the corner of the cafeteria where you are seated. Even the sun doesn't seem to give you a chance not to stand out. You have been sitting there with an empty carton of banana milk. You feel lost. Or precisely, you don't know where to go or who to look for.

Sitting there for hours turn out to be not too useless. You now know what the cafeteria looks like and how peaceful it is in the evening. Usually it feels like a battlefield. Also the silence easily tells you someone is coming by the sound of their footsteps getting louder and closer.

"Hi, Rena." You said even before you turn your head to look at her, already memorized the sound of her heels.

She sits across from you. There's a little smile on her face that reminds you of that antagonist character in a drama--fake.

"I'm ready for your questions." You accepted the yogurt she handed you.

She seems unsure at first. Probably wondering where to begin, "Is it true?"

"Which part?" You asked back, actually trying to help her point out the detail she wants to know.

"That he is your ex?" Rena's eyelashes that are prettily coated with mascara flicker as she looks at you.

"He is." You glanced at the table, Rena was wringing her own fingers, looking anxious, "We dated for almost two years back in university." You continued.

"What about now?" Rena asked again.

"We're just... friends now." You said, thinking calling him a workmate would be too harsh for him under current circumstances.

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