Khaotung just stared silently at the First whose hands were tightening around his neck.

"You keep breaking our agreement."

"Are you really going to kick me to the debt collector now?" Khaotung asked.

First then clenched his other hand, ready to punch Khaotung in the face but ended up hitting the wall next to the bodyguard's face.

"Bastard, how badly do you want me to let you go? How badly do you not want to fall in love with me? But I will forgive you and you will still be my bodyguard. Don't you understand if I forbid you because I love you."

First let go of Khaotung's neck and then told him to put on a shirt, and remained silent when First threw him a shirt.


Khaotung had already put on his shirt and now he was waiting for First to get his bike out of the bar parking lot.
The two no longer spoke to each other after Khaotung decided to put on his shirt without fighting First's argument.

"I hope this is the last time."

Khaotung just gave First a flat look, then got on the bike with his helmet already protecting his head.
Khaotung thought back to what he was doing right now, as well as what First had said to him.
There was wrong and right there, but Khaotung who was used to being blamed buried himself in that guilt.

Why did he use his body to pay the debt? Because he had no money and his body was useful for paying debts. Simple, but First saw it as disgusting.
That was true, but Khaotung brushed it all aside for a better life in the future. That is, if he had a future.


"Sleep in the upper room."

Khaotung stopped his footsteps and turned to First.
The two of them stared at each other for a long time.
Khaotung did not understand why First was so sure that his current feelings were in love, and First himself did not understand why Khaotung was unmanageable.
The two of them still didn't understand each other, but were confused by what was called comfort and interpreted as love by First.


"I asked father to let you use the room."

"Khanapan?" Khaotung then chuckled. "You shouldn't go too far. Don't behave as if we will be together forever."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you reject the match, Khanapan will not let anything happen to us. Think realistically, don't fall too much because I plan to too."

After saying that, Khaotung walked back to Podd's room. He would not want to sleep in the room next toFirst's private room.
From that day on, Khaotung and First's relationship turned colder and colder.
Khaotung did obey First who would no longer let him go out without his permission, even if Khaotung had to go then First had to go with him.
Especially now that Dunk is also coming to Khanapan's house more and more often. First always lost his moments with Khaotung after Dunk's frequent visits. He used to think it would be fun if Dunk came to his house, but it seems like he really retracted his sentence.
Khaotung's indifference to seeing him with Dunk made First sad.

"I have to go to one of the trading shops."

First was currently staying away from Dunk who was chatting with him in the garden, Khaotung suddenly called out to him in her neat clothes.

"Must it be now? How about later in the afternoon?"

Khaotung then turned his head to Dunk. "Okay."

First stopped Khaotung's footsteps that were about to go back inside the house, precisely to Podd's room who was currently away on assignment with Gawin.

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