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It was one of Patrick's last days on set. Him and Ellen had been fighting a lot, which wasn't like them at all, not like that.

Ellie and Patty were inseparable, or at least they had been inseparable for a whole decade before his wife found out an actual proof of their affair and threatened him with an ultimatum.

Ellen and the show or her and the kids

Ellen was alone in her trailer, cuddled up to a pillow. In those days she couldn't eat, she couldn't sleep, she couldn't do anything

"Ell, can we please talk?” Patrick wispered when he entered the trailer and saw in which conditions she was

"I don't wanna talk to you”

"divorce Chris, let's escape and be happy... you, me and the kids”

he blurts out, he knew that escaping was stupid and completely out of discussion but for a second he wanted to believe that there was a solution

"you can't just give me an out and tell me that if I don't divorce Chris you are leaving the show and stop talking to me” Ellen screams

"you think I like this situation? I don't”

Ellen crashes down on the trailer sofa in tears

"Jill gave me an out, she is filling the divorce papers, she is bringing my kids to New York. My options are my family or the show and obviously my family is worth so much more than a job. I love my kids”

"then fight her for custody, you could hire the best lawyer in the world, you could win”

"I wouldn't" he snaps "not when she has proofs of me cheating on her, not in a world in wich the mother is considered more important than the father, not when they all know how busy my schedule is”

"how would me divorcing Chris change that?” Ellen wispered with trembling voice

"it wouldn't, but... we could take all the kids, change our documents and identities and escape”

"how can we do that?” Ellen squills "stealing kids is a crime, we could go to prison for that, besides we are celebrities so they would find us in a second”

"they are our kids”

"yeah... but we would steal them from their other parents”

"we could go on a desert island and live in a costume for our whole life, just me, you and the kids- no one else, think about it”

"I can't think about it Patrick, we can't just escape bringing five kids with us, do you want to end up in jail? and for what? cause you are too scared to get a freaking divorce?" she raised her voice

"I am not scared, I am just... I am tired"

"tired of what? of me?”

"no Ellen, for God sake, how could I be tired of you? I am tired of hiding, tired of being scared that people could find out about us, tired of everything”

"so this is why you are breaking up with me?” she said broken

"I am not-”

MAYBE IT'S NOT TOO LATETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon