afternoon at the mall

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The same afternoon Ellen brings Stella, Sienna and Eli to the mall and have a mother-kids afternoon just the four of them.

Sienna and Eli walk ahead while Ellen amd Sienna stay right behind them and that gives her the opportunity to talk to her older daughter first

"you know why I brought you guys here?" Ellen asks going straight to the point

Stella shakes her head

"Cause I want to talk to the three of you... I want to know how do you really feel about this? I know you are being supportive and all but I want to know how you really feel, you can talk to me Stel, it's still me and you" Ellen says sweetly

"I am happy for you, genuinely happy, I mean it... it's just painful to think that our family was all a lie" Stella admits

Ellen looks at her trying to weight her words and say the best thing for her daughter

"honey it wasn't a lie, we are still a family, we always will be. Just because I am with Patrick now it doesn't mean that your dad is not part of the family" she reassures her

Stella gives her an insecure look

"I knew Chris would have been a good father, we got along and he treated me really well, this is why I married him. If I didn't consider him as family I wouldn't have married him and had three kids with him" Ellen explains, hoping this part would make it better

"did you ever love him?" Stella looks at her fearing the answer

"I still love him and respect him as the man who gave me the three most precious gifts in my life... I just never loved him the way a wife should love her husband. I tought I did when we were dating but even back then, it wasn't that kind of love" she admits

"I understand that" Sella nods

"you and your brothers are still my number one priority okay? that won't ever change" Ellen reassures her daughter

"I know" Stella smiles

"I don't regret anything, if I hadn't married you farher I wouldn't have the three of you, so... I would do it again, even if it's wrong"

"you would have other kids with deep blue eyes and perfect hair like Darby" Stella giggles

"I wouldn't want you guys any other way, your curly black hair and big dark brown eyes are just as perfect. You are so beautiful Stel, and I wouldn't change a single detail of you or your brothers" Ellen says serious

"I love you mom" Stella smiles

"I love you too Stel"

after a little shopping Eli and Sienna ask for ice cream so while they sit down at the bar's table Ellen decides to have a talk with her two younger kids too

"a lot of things has changed lately, right?" she starts slowly

Sienna and Eli nod

"I want you guys to know that even if dad and I are not together anymore, we still love the three of you like crazy and we will both be as much in your lives as before, okay?" she reassures them

"okay" they both answer smiling

"I want you guys to feel free to ask me anything okay?" Ellen says sweetly

"are they staying with us forever and ever??" Eli asks innocently refering to Patrick and his kids

Ellen is surprised by this question, she hopes her answer won't disappoint him too much

"yes sweetheart, they are staying with us. Does it bother you?" she asks wanting to know how he feels about this

Eli shakes his head and Ellen's mouth curves in a smile

"Darby is cool, he plays videogames with me and Talula is taking me and Stella shopping so she is cool too" Sienna adds

"they are nice kids" Ellen chuckles "Sullivan too, he is just a little shy"

"the other day I was playing with Tommy and he showed me some pictures of his doggies he has at his mommy's home" Eli says about Sullivan (Tommy is one Ellen's dogs)

"did he?" Ellen asks surprised

"yes, he has bulldogs mommy. He says he misses them a lot when he isn't home" Eli answers

Ellen can't help but feel bad for him and feel guilty. She understands why he feels like that and she can't help but hope that one day he will eventually feel home in both houses

"mom?" Sienna asks interrupting her toughts

"yes Sissi"

"are you and Patrick getting married?" Sienna asks all serious with the typical curiosity of a 9 years old who is starting to understand how the world really works

Ellen gasps and starts coughing while Stella can't stop laughing

"not anytime soon honey, we still haven't talked about it, it's still very soon" Ellen answers awkwardly

"oh okay" Sienna shrugs

after a whole afternoon at the mall they go back home

"how did it go?" Patrick asks her when they found a moment alone

"very well, I think it was necessari to reassure them a little. All this changes can be confusing" she sighs "how did it go with yours?"

"I think Sully still has anger that needs to come out but Darby and Tee are fine. They are both happy for me and Sullivan will change his mind too, he just needs time" he explains

"he told Eli that he misses his doggies and... I know he misses his mom too" Ellen wispers sadly "Patty I feel terrible for him"

"I feel just as bad and I miss them too" Patrick admits

Ellen looks at him without saying a word

"the dogs I mean, not Jillian. Is it bad that I don't miss her at all?"

"oh trust me, I don't miss Chris either"

and with that they both burst into a laugh

"you could bring your dogs here sometimes, you know I love your dogs and if it helps Sullivan I am more than cool with it" Ellen suggests

"we will see" Patrick nods

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