step sibilings

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A few days later...

Things are going really great between Patrick and Ellen and today is the first time he brings the twins at her place.

Stella and Sienna are at home while Ellen and is with Eli at his football lessons

When Patrick comes with Darby and Sullivan, Darby immediately notices Sienna playing video games

"can I play with you?" ha asks nicely

"sure, it's way more funny than playing alone" Sienna smiles

"no one plays with you?" Darby asks

"Stella is too girly for videogames and Eli cries every time I don't let him win" Sienna rolls her eyes

Darby can't help buth laugh at his sassy almost step sister

"well, are you ready to lose?” Darby smirks

"who said I would lose?” Sienna grins taking two joysticks and giving one to Darby

Patrick looks at them seriously impressed

*wow, I didn't know it would be that fast* he thinks amazed

Sullivan is still a little reluctant but he understands that, he was always a mommy's boy so it's gonna take time for him yo accept this but he hopes he will, just eventually

he is a little relieved when he sees Stella coming in the living room and him starting to talk to her

"are you cool about this? how can I be the only one who isn't okay with this?" Sullivan wispers in Stella's ear

"about my mom and your dad?" Stella wispers

Sullivan nods

"do you wanna talk about it in my room so that we would have a little more privacy?”


Sullivan and Stella goes to her room

"okay, listen... I don't fully like this, every kid wants his parents together but- we aren't kids anymore, we are supposed to be a little less selfish and try to understand others”

"they had an affair, what's to understand about that?" Sullivan scoffs

Stella wants to tell him what she knows, about her mom and Patrick wanting to get together before Jillian got pregnant of him and Darby but she decides not to because it's up to Patrick

"I just want my mom to be happy and she is happy now, I had never seen her smile like that, that's why I am okay” Stella explains

"he seems happy too... dad...” Sullivan admits

"don't you want that? don't you want him to be happy?"

"I do, but I want my mom to be happy too and she isn't happy now” Sullivan says sad

Stella nods understanding his point, she never tought how it could be for Jillian

"she will be happy again, she just... needs time” Stella reassures him

"this whole time people kept telling her that she wasn't enough for dad because she isn't like Ellen and now...”

"now she can recover from this, focus on herself and start over” Stella tries her best to convince him

Ellen finally arrives home with Eli

Eli immediatly notices Sienna and Darby playing video games and he wants to play too

"I want to play tooo” Eli runs grabbing Sienna's joystick

"noo, let me finish” Sienna takes it back

"Eli, let your sister finish this one, then you can play too... right Sissi?” Ellen says serious

"okaay" Sienna rolls her eyes

Ellen laughs and goes next to Patrick in the kitchen

"hey" she smiles

"oh hey, you are back” he peaks her lips

"Sissi finally found someone who plays video games with her” Ellen giggles

"Darby loves them, I... I can't guarantee that he won't show her some inappropriate games” he says awkwardly

"innappropriate? like...?” she asks confused

"GTA, it's not that bad but it's a little too nasty for a 9 y.o. I mean... there are naked girls everywhere and you can go to pubs...”

"we will make it clear that he can't play that with Sienna” Ellen becomes serious

"he is my son, it's not like he actually respects rules, when I was his age I loved to mess with my sisters”

"three Dempsey boys is really too much to handle, thank God Sullivan is quieter" Ellen rolls her eyes

"you love us" Patrick corrects her

"I do, where is Sullivan tho?”

"oh, he is in Stella's room, they are talking. I hope she can help him understand this situation a little more” Patrick says sadly

his kids are everything to him and Ellen knows how important it is for him to have their approval

"wait- he is in her room? Stella doesn't let anyone in her room except me, Sissi, Eli and her bestfriend”

"she probably noticed he needed someone to talk to, she is very emphatic, just like you” he smiles sweetly

"that's nice of her” Ellen agrees

"everything is going to be fine, we are going to be fine, I promise. This scandal will slow down and we will be able to have the life we always wanted... together” he gently smiles at her caressing her hand

"how can you always say the right thing?” she asks sweetly

"yeah... this is one of the many reason why you love me" he chuckles

"you are too full of yourself" Ellen rolls her eyes

"you love me”

"I do but I should be the one saying it, not you" she giggles giving him a kiss on the cheek

"it seems so natural" he wispers amazed looking at her

"like we have always been a family" Ellen agrees

"I always considered you part of my family" he wispers in her ear

"stop being cheesy” she smiles

"I am cheesy, you will get used to it”

"maybe I will" she nods

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