Dempsey sisters

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Patrick's sisters are supposed to come to LA today and Ellen is completely freaking out, she has met them a few times but she knows they liked Jillian so she is pretty sure they aren't happy about this.

"I am so not ready to meet your sisters” Ellen rolls her eyes

"you already met them a lot of times” he reassures her

"as your costar, as your... friend, not as the person who has a relationship with their married brother” Ellen points out

"I am separated, very soon legally divorced and so are you. Why wouldn't you meet them?"

"because they liked Jillian so they automatically hate me” Ellen says frustrated

"the liked her only because she seemed heaven after what Rocky did to me and they were happy I was getting over the pedo who groomed me for over a decade"

Patrick wispers refering to his first marriage with his bestfriend's mom, who accused him of assulting her, when he was just 20 y.o. and she was the pedo

"exactly, so that makes her the angel who saved you from the abuser and I am the slut who seduced a married man with a little kid”

"they won't think that, I promise you... Mary already knew about you and she always told me to not play with your feelings because you were too beautiful for that" he reassures her

"your other sister didn't know?" Ellen frowns

"she- she is very catholic and she would have looked at me as the worst sinner in the world, so I decided not to" he admits

"she is catholic? that's- that's great, God hates me because I am an adulterous bitch with a big A on my chest and I also divided what he had united, amazing..." Ellen panicks

"I am pretty sure that God wouldn't hate anyone, otherwise he would hate everyone since he says not to lie, not to steal, not to have sex before marriage and many other things...”

Ellen laughs

"and God didn't unite me with anyone since I got married in a city hall. He wouldn't consider either of my marriages valid and neither was yours if we stick to the Bible"

"you studied the Bible for your sister?” Ellen laughs

"yes and she was very impressed” he giggles

"listen, if she doesn't approve right now, she will change her mind... time will prove her wrong" he says very calmly

Half an hour later Patrick's sister finally arrive, Ellen is very nervous but Patrick keeps holding her hand and that makes her feel a lot better

after a lot of greeting that sound very fake, Patrick's sister goes straight to the point

"soo??? are you guys a... a couple now?" Mary asks trying not to sound judgemental

"yes, we are both going trough a divorce and in a little it will be official” Patrick explains

"you don't have to pretend that you are happy about this" Ellen says shyly

"I always knew there was something even before he told me” Mary proudly says

"I am still mad you told her and not me” Alicia crosses her arms

"you aren't exactly understanding. Our situation was very delicate and very complicated, I didn't want to make it worse" he apologizes

"I still don't understand why you couldn't just divorce Jill instead of cheating" Alicia finally accuses him

"I was going to, but she got pregnant of the twins and you know I would do anything for my kids, I only staid in that marriage for them. I would never put my family in danger for a one night stand” he defends himself

"I get that, I really do but..." Alicia starts

"what our sister means is... was a scandal like that necessary to get together?” Mary asks more politely

"yes because neither of us would put each other before our kids. I grew up without a mother, my kids are my everything and their happiness will always come before mine” Ellen replies at his place

Patrick can't help but look at her even more in awe and his sisters both nod understandingly

"we get that” Mary smiles

"I don't expect you to get it but... both of you are very important to him, I am not asking you to consider me part of the family and I will never ask you to stop considering Jillian as a part of the family... just don't be too hard on him, if you wanna hate me because you need someone to blame that's fine but not him because he cares and you don't know what it means to have all that pressure from the press and the fans who are just waiting for you to do a wrong step to call it a scandal, we were scared of everything"

"we don't hate either of you, much less our brother and you are part of the family, we just don't like how this happened” Mary explains not letting Alicia talk because her words would be harder

“I don't like it either, trust me” Ellen wispers

"I guess we can't change that now, we can just do better from now on" Alicia suddenly talks

Patrick and Mary look at her surprised

"you are accepted in the family by the way, it's not our place to judge you" Alicia ends

"thank you" Ellen smiles

The rest of the visit goes on really well, like they have been a family forever. Mary can't stop but think about the first time she understood there was something between Ellen and her brother.

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