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At the Dempsey house things are way worse...
Jillian has find out about the video and the pics from social medias and, despite she knew about her husband's past affair, she tought it was over and she is as mad as you can expect

"Patrick you better come home immediately and explain all this, I am serious this time” Jillian yells frustrated to his voice mail

"what's going on?” Darby and Sullivan enter the front door confused

they had never seen their mother that angry, not even in 2015 when her and their dad were going trough a divorce

"I am going to kill your dad, that's what happened” Jillian sighs

"okay mom... sit down and take a deep breath” Sullivan tries to calm her down

Jillian does as her son said and calms down a little bit

"can you explain what happened now?” Darby sists next to them

"someone uploaded pictures of Ellen and your dad kissing at the walk of fame event and an old video of him begging her to not get married in 2007” she explains

Darby and Sullivan look at each other in complete shock, they had the suspect that something might have happened but they didn't know for sure

"dad kissed Ellen at the event? like... couple kissing... are you sure it wasn't friends kissing?” Sullivan tries to make her feel better

Jillian nods

"did you know that?" Darby asks as surprised as he could be

Jillian shakes her head

"I tought they had ended it, that he had chosen me over her” Jillian wispers

"and I didn't know he had begged her to not get married when I was at home pregnant with the two of you, how could he do that?" she sobs

Sullivan prontly hugs his mother warmly hoping it would make her feel better

"I am sure there is an explaination for this, I am sure he never meant to hurt you mom. Dad is not the kind of man who hurts people on purpose” Darby says convinced

"how can you defend him after something like this? don't you see that mom is hurting?” Sullivan accuses him

"I do, and I am not defending him I just want to hear his side too before judging him” Darby replies defensive

"his side? he cheated on mom... apparently for a long time, she took him back and he is cheating on her again and now he isn't answering his phone” Sullivan says mad

Darby looks at his brother, he had never seen him that mad in their whole life

"he is our dad Sully” Darby wispers not wanting to make his brother any more mad than he already is

"if I'll have to pick a side, I am on mom's” Sullivan says with a hand protectively on his mother's shoulder

"thank you honey” Jillian smiles sad

Darby keeps nervously running his hand in his hair, the same way Patrick does when he is overwhelmed by a sitiation

"I don't want to take a side, you are both my parents and I shouldn't have to chose one, I am sorry mom but I just can't” Darby panicks

"I don't know what's going to happen now" Jillian sighs "I just know that he better come home sooner rather than later if he wants to fix this and have the chance to explain himself”

Darby nods and gulps anxious

"I am going to lay down for a little while, please wake me up if your father comes back okay?”

the twins both nod in agreement

Darby takes his phone ans starts texting apprensively his father

"dad you should really come back home, mom is very mad and looks like she is going to explode”

"I tried to calm her down but it didn't work”

"please come back, do it for us”

"who are you texting?” Sullivan interrupts him, the anger has slowly became sadness and now he just sounds broken

"I am texting dad, I asked him to come back” Darby explains

"he won't”

"he will, maybe not right away, maybe not today but he will. I just want him to come back soon because when it does it might be too late” Darby defensively corrects him

"you think they are going to divorce?... again?” Sullivan asks serious

"I don't know, they might, this is even worse than what happened in 2015 but we are older, that's why we have to act like grown ups”

Sullivan nods in agreement

"I am very mad at him for what he did” Sully admits

"I know but you can't just turn your back at him before hearing his excuses, he must have a reason for doing something like that. Otherwise he would have just left mom for her instead of fighting to fix their marriage”

Sullivan nods in agreement

"we have to tell Tee” Sullivan sighs

"after dad comes back we will tell her" Darby agrees

the twins took it a little worse than Stella, especially Sullivan let's see if Patrick will manage to talk to him

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