Dempsey bike ride

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2 days later

Talula has been at home for 2 days and everything is going on perfectly so far

but Ellen feels like she is asking a lot to her kids. They have been really good at adapting to this new situation but she wants them to know they are still her first priority

"I am taking Sella, Sienna and Eli to the mall this afternoon" Ellen says

"that's great, they will love it" Patrick says supportively

"you should spend time with your kids too" Ellen suggests sweetly

"I am spending time with them" he looks at her confused

"I mean without me or my kids ... just you and them" she explains better

"I want to spend time with all of you, together as a family" he sighs

"I know, and I do too but this is being a  lot on them. They might just want to spend time with their dad and see that you are still the same"

Patrick looks at her amazed. One thing he always loved about Ellen was the way she cares for the people she loves

"you know how much I love you right?" He teases her

"stop it, you know I get all embarassed when you are cheesy like that" she giggled blushing slightly

"I told you, I am cheesy. You will get used to it"

"okay" she giggles

After having breakfast all together Ellen tells Stella, Sienna and Eli to go get ready

Patrick notices that Talula has barely eatten, she is still jet lagged so her appetite isn't normal

"you might want to eat this morning tough, you are gonna need  energy" he suggests

"energy for what?" Talula asks confused

"I have projects for us today" Patrick smirks

"where are we going?" Darby asks impatiently

"bike riding, that's all the information you get for now" Patrick pats his shoulder

Darby smiles happy

"bike riding? all of us?" Sullivan ask confused

"the four of us, yes" he confirms

"since Tee is back and we all missed her so much" he says hugging his daughter "I decided we should spend some Dempsey family time, just the four of us"

"aww dad" Talula smiles at him

Sullivan's eyes lightens up, which doesn't go unnoticed to Patrick .

After a few minutes Patrick, Talula, Darby and Sullivan are ready on their bikes

the twins immeditely take it as a competition while Talula stays behind with Patrick

"you look happy dad, I can tell" Talula says sweetly

"I am, thank you honey this means so much to me. You look happy too" Patrick smiles at her

"I am, maybe because we are both in love" Talula teases

"do you wanna kill me? please stop, I can't accept that my little princess is in love with someone who isn't her daddy" Patrick jokes

"dad, I am 21" Talula laughs

"still my baby girl" Patrick objects

"I know" Talula smiles

After a very long bike ride they found a perfect spot where to picnic and have their lunch

"are you okay?" Patrick asks when he notices his son's sad look

"kinda" Sullivan answers

"what's wrong?" Patrick frowns

"mom is probably all alone, she should be here with us" Sullivan states

"I don't think she is alone Sully, she is with her friends...." Patrick answers

"you really don't feel guilty do you?" Sullivan accuses him

"I do actually, I know I messed up" Patrick says sad and gets up to answer his phone

"cut him some slacks Sully" Darby raises his voice annoyed by his twin once their father was away

"Sully, you are being unfair" Talula agrees with Darby "you know how much I love mom and... Darby and I, we also wish she was here with us but-   dad is happy, he is happier than I have ever seen him and he is doing his best to make this easier for us"

"I just miss our family" Sullivan wispers

"but we are still a family, we are still your brothers and they are still our parents. We can spend all the time we want with both of them... just seprarately" Talula conforts him

Sullivan looks at her not convinced

"Tee is right Sully" Darby says serious

"the only positive thing is that we have three younger brothers but the rest sucks" Sullivan shrugs

"just give this a possibility... for dad... Ellen is a good woman, she is nice to us and she has been madly in love with dad since always. She made mistakes, for sure but who doesn't?" Talula tries to convince him

"I will give it a try" Sullivan nods

"great" Darby smiles

after a few seconds Patrick comes back

"I am sorry dad" Sullivan apologizes

"it's okay" Patrick pats his shoulder

"I swear I will try to be happy for you if this is what you want" Sullivan promises

"thank you Sully, I appreciate that very much" Patrick says sweetly

Talula gives him a proud nod

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