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the rest of the dinner goes on normally

as Patrick expected, Jillian has no intention to embarass herself, which he is definitely gald about

he can feel that she is looking for his attention bit he isn't planning to let her win, this night is about Ellen and she has his full attention

about the kiss and the little fight...

Patrick knows they have to talk again, he hasn't come to the event just for her to be mad at him, he needs more time to explain

and they eventually find it towards the end of the evening, when they succeed to step ouside in the restaurant garden when no one was paying attention

"I am sorry I couldn't come alone” he apologizes

"it's okay... actually... no it's not okay but I am used to it, I guess...” Ellen wispers

"I knew for sure that Chris was gonna be here, I didn't think it would be any different”

"Chris is MY husband, he is invited to MY event and...” she gulps

"Patty you know you are always welcome but your wife wasn't invited. I have nothing against her, you know I don't... but she is not one of the people I want around me and you know” Ellen accuses him

"I just wanted to be here for you and I knew we would have found our moments alone... we are pretty good sneakers... we always have been” he wispers in her ear

Ellen tries to fight back a smirk but a sweet smile forms on her lips

"here it is” he chuckles

"what is wrong with you that I can't stay mad at you for more than a few minutes”

"I have my skills” Patrick laughs

Ellen's foreheard twitches in a frown

"what?" he asks

"why did you kiss me?” she wisperes

"I... because I wanted to and I wanted you to know that I only came here for you. I honestly don't know why Jillian wanted to come so badly and I don't care, I just wanted to be here with you, that's it” he explains

Ellen nods understandingly

"I am still a little mad” she wispers

"that's okay because I brought a present for you” he smiles wide

"a present? you didnt have to” she frowns

"I know, I wanted to”

he gives her a little bok

Ellen takes it with a huge smike caressing it with her hands

"can I open it?” she asks

"you should open it at home” he suggest

"okay” she puts the box in her bag

"I- I am still glad you came, I don't want you to think that I am not”

"I know” Patrick smiles

they see Kate coming towards them

"guys... I hate to do this, you both know that if it was for me I would let you talk all night but we don't want Chris and Jillian to get mad do we?” Kate says sad

"we don't” Ellen shakes her head looking down at the ground

"hey” Patrick grabs her shoulders forcing her to look at him in the eyes

"I am not going abroad any soon... I promise I will find an excuse or something and we will meat sooner than you know”

"yeah” Ellen wispers not believing it

she knows they both want to see each other, it's just all so difficult with everyone's eyes always focused on them

they go back to the restaurant followed by Kate too ready to go home

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