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After that awakward and very fake exchange of hugs they decide to go to the restaurant and have dinner all together (Ellen, Chris, Stella, Sienna, Eli, Patrick, Jillian, Kate and Andy)

the dinner is going pretty well, Ellen is trying her best to act fine for her kids

but the truth is that she feels so hurt and betrayed, how could he bring his wife to an event that was supposed to be about her?

Patrick notices how cold and silent Ellen has been for the whole dinner, she hasn't even looked at him once, so he decides to act on it

"I would like to raise a toast" he starts, Jillian gives him a killing look but he doesn't consider her "to Ellen and how much she means to all of us"

"to Ellen" they all toast

Ellen fakes a smile

"I- I really need to go out and catch air for a few minutes now, this restaurant is too hot and I don't want to have an asthma attack right here and now" she stands up and leaves

Stella looks at her father a little worried but decides to not say anything

"it's not about the asthma" Kate wispers to Patrick

"nope" Patrick wispers back and leaves following Ellen

Kate decides to follow him too and stay apart, giving them time and pretending to be with them

after leaving the table Ellen has a breaks down right out of the restaurant emergency door, completely forgetting that she is outside and someone could see her
(remember this particular 😏)

Patrick hears it and it hurts him a little but he knows her and she is clearly just hurt, she doesn't actually mean any of it

he decides to just wait a few seconds before calling her

"Ellie" he gently calls her

"can you please leave me alone?" she wispers

"what?" he frowns

"if I got up from the table is because I want to be alone" she says coldly

"no, I am not leaving you alone" he says convinced "aren't you happy that I am here?" he gently grabs her shoulder

"I am, I just... I tought you were here for me"

"I am here for you" he frowns "why would I be here if not for you?"

"I don't know, I- why did you have to bring her too?" she asks hurt

he can see the pain in her eyes

"I- I'm sorry, I had to. She wouldn't let me come if not with her" he wispers

"and of course you always accept her terms right away" she snaps

"that's not true"

"we haven't seen each other for months... and you couldn't even find a free afternoon for me?"

"I found an afternoon for you, I am here and you- you are just being unfair"

"I have the right to... what if I had brought Chris to your event?"

"you didn't even come to my Disney première, you were invited and you didn't come... I was sad but I told you to not worry about it, I didn't blame you and neither did act like an ass"

"I had an appointment for my serie and I knew you would have brought your whole family so I figured that it was the best thing"

"not for me, because I wanted you there"

"you would rather me coming with Chris?"

"yes I would, I wouldn't give a shit about Chris, I would just be happy to see you and... I would try to have a few minutes alone with you and now that we are finally alone we are wasting this precious time fighthing... which is definitely not what I wanted" he sighs

she looks at him unable to answer, still processing his words

Patrick then decides to risk it all, he wants a reaction from her

"you know... we could leave... if you don't want me because I brought Jill, we could leave" he looks down

"no" Ellen grabs his arm

he smiles at her, that's the reaction he wanted

"I want you here, I am mad and I don't want HER... but I want you here" she wispers

he takes one step closer

the tension grows every second, they are a little too close for it to be safe but he doesn't care.

he can hear her breath getting heavy as he gets closer and closer, he still has the same effect on her and he loves it

before they realize what's actually going on his lips are on hers, she gently kisses him back without even thinking about it

then she stares at him speechles

"can we just not fight and enjoy these few hours we have together?" he wispers

she just nods

"you can yell at me on the phone tommorow but right now we should be gratefull that we can see each other okay? we can only see each other rarely... we don't want to ruin it, do we?"

"no" Ellen wispers

"didn't think so" he smiles

"now let's go inside before Chris kills me" he jokes

Ellen giggles and follows him

they find Kate waiting for them in the hallway

"I was waiting for you two so Chris and Jillian wouldn't think you were alone"

"thank you" Patrick smiles

"what would we do without you?" Ellen says emotional

"you would both be lost, now let's go" Kate giggles

the three of them reach the table

Jillian gives Patrick a death stare but he pretends to not notice

"are you okay mom?" Stella wispers in her ear

"yes honey" Ellen smiles

her mind is now panicking over the kiss, she is finally starting to realize

"you don't look fine" Stella says not convinced

she has noticed how her mother had frowned when she had first seen Jillian and how her attituded had completely changed from that moment on

"I am perfectly fine, I just needed air... Patrick and Kate were with me, that made me feel better" Ellen lies

Stella decided to not push too much so she just lets it go but keeps it in mind

the rest of the dinner goes on normally

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