Chap. 47; All the King's Horses and All Lauren's Men

Start from the beginning

"So it just ends with Will being fine and Barbara being dead?"

"There is so much more. Eleven had to go into the upside-down to finally kill this monster, and to us, we all thought she died." Walt nodded, showing his faint understanding. "Fast-forward a month, New years. The day Steve gave me the bloody nose you ticked of my dad for the millionth time. I found out Eleven wasn't dead and that we had to protect her in the cabin."

"Wait, so you lived there for a year, and I didn't know."

"Yeah. Anyways, fast forward again to Halloween Dustin finds a slug monster thing that turns out to be a baby monster. We spend a few days trying to kill it again that's how I got the scars on my back."

"So their was no Bear?" Lauren shook her head. "How did it come back."

"Will, he held it inside of him and when they brought him back they brought it back."

"The whole second time it was here something was using Byers to spy on what was going on in this dimension. So he could use him monsters to take over the world, because it's like the nazis and thinks it better than us. Basically that what's happening again it's here on its own but it's still inside someone but instead of having monsters it's doing it own bidding with melted people. Right?" Steve looked over at Lauren making she he made since of the previous conversation.

"Yeah, that was perfect worded."

"I just, I need to go for a walk this is fucking crazy, I'm just going to need a fucking minute." Walt walked off after hearing everything. Every last detail. It was going to be a lot to process so thats what they were going to let him do.

"Well, that went well." Steve pushed his body up onto the counter to sit. Lauren's face told him she thought differently.

"You know I actually think it did. I would have called bull shit and just left." She shrugged. "Your reaction was pretty similar."

"Yeah, I guess kinda." Steve shrugged.

"Well, now for you," she pushed off the counter.

"For me. What'd I do?" She smiled at him.

"Look at yourself."

"What? You saying I don't look sexy?" She shook her head.

"No. No, you don't. Quite the opposite you make me want to play doctor." Steve smiled at her and would have pulled her into a kiss despite the bad time, but she was all the way across the space.

"Oh, Doctor Hopper, I'd be in the ER every day."

"I wouldn't treat your ass."

"You just said."

"I know what I said." Lauren pulled open the freezer to one of the food court restaurants and filled two bags with chipped ice. Then, walked over to Steve and handed him one in which he put one on his hand and the other on his head. "How are you, really?"

"I'll be fine." He whipped a little of the random mans blood off her face. "They didn't really hurt you, did they? I mean, besides this?" He showed her his finger and softly rubbed the brusing on her neck. Lauren pushed away a little bit. "Sorry." He sighed. "Did they hurt you, though?" She shook her head. "You got blood all over you."

"Not my blood?" Steve tilted his head heavily, intrigued. "I was screaming, and apparently, he didn't like it, so he covered his mouth." Steve raised his eyebrows at her.

"You bit him, I assume?" Lauren gave him a faint nod.

"Yeah really fucking hard."

"So was this before of after," he looked at her neck.

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