Chap. 16; Trick or Drink, Bitch

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry for getting your hopes up, kid."

"I am okay. You can go." She said, knowing Lauren was running late.

"Okay. Love ya, Kid." She smiled before walking out the door.

Lauren chose to walk this morning because he was enjoying the weather and just being mad at Jim. She, of course, understood where he was coming from with most of his discussions when It came to Eleven, but It didn't mean she liked them. Over the whole time, they had Eleven with them. Lauren had been teaching her as much as she could understand. It was a tedious task, especially when El used her powers to keep the books closed. It hurt Lauren whenever she would see El in her escape looking for the boys. She felt guilty about lying to the boys about keeping her from them.

She continued walking up the hill, finally passing the trees, being able to see the school. Lauren could see the boys in Ghostbusters' costumes. She could help but let out a little laugh while walking in the high school parking lot, considering nobody else dressed up. She also saw Max getting out of Billy's car. The girl waved at her before crossing the street to the middle school. Lauren walked into English when Billy came up beside her.

"Yes, Billy?" She looked over at him.

"You going to that party tonight?" He asked, walking it in english.

"Yes." She said, walking to her seat. He followed her.

"What are you wearing?" Lauren gave him a dirty before saying,

"I don't know, this?" She said,

"I was hoping you would say nothing." He whispered in her ear. He walked away when she rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

"Fucking the new kid now too?"

"God how are you this unlikable?" She asked turning around to look at Steve.

"Actually a lot of people like me. You are a rare case."

"I can name more people that dont like you then actually do. You're just pissy about the other night."

"I don't give a shit about that."

"Yeah really seems like that." Lauren turned around and got ready for class to start.

After the final bell rang Lauren left the school walking to town instead of the cabin. She didn't have a designated plan for her night constitaring Nancy would be with Steve and Lauren was tired of third wheeling. Walt would be there but he wasn't getting there till later in the night. Walking into town she stopped at the movie theater.

"Hi Mr. Langdon. I saw the help wanted signed out front and I was wondering if I could have an application." Lauren asked the theater owner guestaring to the sign in the window.

"You got it. That sign has been out there for two goddamn months and you are the first to come in. You got it just when can you work?" He said in a hint of a southern accent from just moving up here two years prior.

"Oh okay thank you. I can pretty much work whenever." Lauren told him.

"Nights? Superficially the closing shift?" The man asked. Lauren nodded. "Thank you, we really need the extra hand around here." He said, smiling at her. They said their farewells and Lauren kept on with her walk. This time to the police station to sit in her dad's office to wait until the party. Walking into the station she was greeted by several different people. Through the window she could see there was nobody in there. She just let herself in to do homework until the party, not wanting to get home just to have to leave. She was really getting tired of walking everywhere.

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