Chap. 7; The Upside‐Down

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"You have five seconds to get out of here," Nancy said putting her other hand on the gun.

"Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down." Steve put his hands up like that would stop a bullet.

"Nancy put the fucking deadly weapon down before you accidentally shoot him."

"Five. Four. Three. Two" Nancy counted down. Lauren moved in front of him thinking it would make her put it down, but she just moved it to a spot that Lauren wasn't covering.

"No, no, no, no!" Steve yelled. The light begain flashing all around them, but it was the last thing she was worried about.

"Nancy stop. You're going to kill him."

"Nancy! Lauren! Girls the lights," Jonathan screamed to get their attention. The girls looked around noticing the light.

"It's here," Lauren said, grabbing the club from the ground. Nancy didn't lower the gun just moved it way from Steve.

"What's here? Steve yelled at the other three teenagers frantically looking around for what seemed like nothing. The light continued to go crazy.

"Where is it?" Jonathan raised the bat ready to hurt the incoming creature.

"I don't know, I don't see it." Their back met together as she looked.

"Where is what?" Steve yelled again.

"Steve shut up for like ten seconds," Lauren yelled as the celing began to push its way through. The monster came through the ceiling making some screams escape from there mouths. Nancy shot the monster but it did nothing; the only other choice they had was to trap it.

"Run. Run. Go" Jonathan yelled.

Lauren made the turn to run, but slipped and was stopped when an unimaginable pain tore through her leg. Lauren had snapped her ankle making the turn to the bedroom. She was done. The only thing that scared Lauren at this point in life was leaving her dad alone but in this case, it would mean death. Lauren was picked up and thrown on someone's shoulder.

Once they made it to the bedroom Steve threw Lauren on the bed. While screaming. "Jesus, Jesus what the hell was that?" Nancy and Jonathan both told him to shut up in unison. Lauren kept her mouth shut for the moment taking into account that he just saved her life. The two turned back to the door waiting for the rest of the plan to unfold, but it never did. Nancy and Jonathan walked back into the hall way careful. Steve went to go follow them bet turned back and helped Lauren. He grabbed her arm and put it over his shoulder. "Thank you," his hand moved around her waist.

"Your hot going to thank me in about five seconds." He stood up pulling her up with him. She grunted in pain as he started walking. While he walked he was muttering stuff under his breath. He seemed to be going crazy right in front of them.

"He's going to come back," Nancy said looking at the boy holding her best friend.

"So you need to leave right now. Take Lauren with you too. She's not exactly in fighting condition." Steve looked at the girl he hoped was going to be his girlfriend despite what he had done to her and then back to the girl he was interlocked with contemplating what to do. A second later he grabbed Lauren and threw her over his shoulder not wanting to wait for her slow ass to walk all the way to the car. He pushed the door open and ran to his car. He pulled open his passenger-side door.

"Put me down. I need to see this through." Lauren yelled hitting his back. Steve threw her in the front seat of his car and was about to get in his side when the lights started to flicker again. Steve stood there and pondered for a moment before running back inside. Lauren opened her door and hops on one foot back up to the house as she sees the Demogorgon on fire in the trap.
"Holy shit we did it," she said with pure excitement.

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