Chap. 5; Nancy the Slut Wheeler

Start from the beginning

"Ready to go?" Lauren asked, causing her father to stand up. The two made their way to the car and drove to the funeral home for a boy who may or may not be dead. The pair sat next to each other at the ceremony alongside the "dead boys" family and friends. Sitting next to her dad, she remembered the only two funerals she had been to.

That being for her sister, she didn't remember a lot about that day. She remembered tears lots and lots of tears that felt like a norm to her now, considering she didn't cry before the night she lost her sister. She remembered talking to about a thousand people she didn't know. The main thing she remembered though was that fact that she sat in a row in the back with just her mourning dad and her mourning dad only.

The other being her grandmother's in a way that one was more depressing than tragic. Her grandma's death was even more a blur, and as far as Lauren could remember, it was even more sad. As bad as that sounds.

It seemed like the whole town was there, including the boys that picked on Will and the other boys. The ceremony was short. Nobody got up to talk. The whole situation felt weird not just for the people who felt it was a facade.

They conclude the funeral outside in the grave yard as they lowered the casket onto the ground. People began to walk away, making their way back to the church where a pitch in lunch was being held. Lauren, too, was making her way back to the car when she was held up by Jonathan and Nancy.

"Hey, Lauren." Jonathan looked around, making sure nobody but the three of them were in earshot. We need a plan," Jonathan fave was pale and under his eyes held dark bags. It was obvious he was on edge it was obvious they all were, Nancy stood next to him, her face red from the cold air. Jonathan sat down on a curb beside them and laid out a map on the ground in front of them. It was easily recognizable as Hawkins.

"So this is where we know it's been, right?" Lauren asked, pointing to a large yet small area.

"Yeah, it's all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it's not traveling far." Lauren and Nancy were giving this boy all of their attention as he spoke.

"You want to go there, don't you?" Nancy asked, knowing his intention and being able to make out the words painted across his face.

"We might not find anything." He shrugged, as it was just a suggestion
However, it was one he wanted to go through with.

"And if we do see it, then what?" Nancy replied she wanted to look for this thing to... look for Barbara and Will, but it took them. And it is absolutely dangerous.

"We kill it." Jonathan said, causing both the girls to look at him with big eyes. Lauren did agree, but it this was just some animals. At least it sure as hell didn't look like one.


"Lonnie's got a gun in his car." They both looked at Lauren.


"You got one?"

"I mean, we have a bunch at home, but I can exactly take them."

"Why not? I'm taking Lonnie's." Lauren looked at the other teens who weren't but felt like they were looking at them with puppy dog eyes.

"My dad would disown me if I took one without asking." Jonathan's face looked hopeless as he looked into her eyes. "Seriously."

"But Lauren, we might need it to help kill this thing." Lauren stood up. "Is that a yes."

"Fuck. I guess so. But if he disowns me, I better get to be a Byers because I am not going with my mom." Jonathan nodded as Lauren extended both her hand up to help them off the ground.

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