Chapter 88

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Sebastian's POV//

Ominis and I were in our dorm room, putting on our dress robes. I felt a bit nervous as I looked myself over in the mirror. 

I wondered if I looked good enough. I only wished I could see what she was wearing before the ball tonight to make sure I could compare myself to her looks. I knew, regardless, I'd only pale in comparison to her magnificent beauty. I could only ever wish to be good enough for someone like y/n, yet somehow, here I was, the man who would take her to the ball. I was so thankful that no one else had gotten around to snagging her up before I did. She was a prize to behold, and by some act of kindness by whoever looks over our world, I was the beholder. 

"What are you stewing about?" Ominis asked me. He looked rather dashing in his suit and tie. He wouldn't tell me who he was taking to the ball, but I'd at least been let on that he had a date.

"Do I look good?" I asked him, turning myself in front of the mirror to check all my angles. I gently ran my hand over my hair, smoothing the stray strands that fell out of place. 

"Now, why would you ask me that?" he sighed. "For being my best friend, you somehow forget the most basic things. I am blind, Sebastian."

"Oh, yeah," I said, pursing my lips. I'd only have to hope that I looked good enough for her. I thought I looked nice, but a second opinion would have been grand. 

I pulled out my pocket watch and glanced down at the time. Ominis and I should start heading toward the Great Hall any minute now if we didn't want to be late. 

"You're pacing," Ominis said, coming up behind me. 

"Yes," I said. "We should go. It's almost time."

With that, Ominis and I started for the Great Hall. As we ascended the stairs, I wiped the nervous sweat from my palms onto my pant legs. Y/n was presumably already up there, and I couldn't wait to see her. She looked stunning, but I couldn't wait to see her in her dress. 

I paused and stared across the foyer when we reached the hall entrance. I locked eyes with y/n from across the room. I sucked in a breath as I took her in; her hair was styled differently than I'd ever seen, and her dress complimented her perfectly. I started to walk toward her, keeping my eyes trained on her. When I reached her, I took her hand in mine and placed a small kiss on her knuckles. 

"You look beautiful," I said. 

"You clean up pretty well yourself," she smiled. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I heard her take a deep breath and looked over to see her staring at her shoes. 

"Are you alright?" I whispered. "Is there something the matter?"

"N-no," she quickly said. "Pay me no mind. I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" I asked again. Just by looking at the tight expression on her face, I could tell she was worried about something. 

"I'm sure. Let's go." 

We got in line with the other couples to enter the Great Hall. I saw up ahead that Ominis was with a girl. He wouldn't tell me who he'd asked earlier, but it was Natty. Odd pairing, I'll admit, but I'm certain they're just friends. 

The doors to the hall opened, and everyone started to walk inside. The decorations had all been changed to colors of white and blue, and it was snowing from the ceiling. Silver tinsel lined the walls and windows, draped in beautiful arrangements. It was something straight out of a fairy tale. 

I couldn't help but notice y/n fidgeting beside me as we entered the hall. The worried expression on her face only grew more prominent as minutes passed. 

"Y/n, please tell me if there's something wrong," I tried again, but she just shrugged it off and told me again not to worry. 

Y/n and I took our places on the dance floor along with the other couples, and the music started. The first dance was traditionally a waltz. 

"I'm not a good dancer," y/n said, her gaze finally meeting my eyes. 

"It's okay, I'll lead," I assured her. 

As soon as the couples started moving across the floor, the enchanted ceiling suddenly darkened, and the snow stopped. Everyone was looking up as a crack of thunder sounded throughout the whole room. Then, the lights in the hall went out, one by one, and the entry doors slammed closed. 

I heard y/n utter a few curse words under her breath as she let go of my hands. She reached into the slit on the bottom of her dress and pulled out her wand that had been strapped to her leg. I didn't know what to expect, so I followed suit and pulled my wand from my coat. 

Occasionally, a flash of lightning would show overhead, momentarily lighting up the room, revealing the fear on the other student's faces. The enchanted instruments kept playing the waltz loudly throughout the room, making it impossible to listen for any attackers. 

"Y/n, you need to tell me what's going on. Right now."

"Sebastian!" called Ominis to my left. He also had his wand out, and a look of confusion covered his face. "What's happening?"

"Not sure," I said, trying to look around the room for anything odd. 

"He's here to take me, and you need to let him," y/n suddenly said. "Please don't interfere."

"You know I can't do that!" I shouted over the music. She shook her head and frowned and then tried to run off. I caught her arm and pulled her back. "If we have to fight, you need to let us help you."

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now