Chapter 34

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Over the course of the next week, Sebastian and I planned to go to Hogsmeade to see what we could find out about the two men in the cavern, but never found a good opportunity between classes and quidditch practice. Our next game would be against Revenclaw, and Imelda was pushing us harder than ever. 

I was happy to say that with the strenuous training, I was now falling asleep so quickly and deeply that I wasn't having any dreams. It was absolutely refreshing. 

Sebastian and I were sitting in potions class together, working on brewing a wiggenweld potion. Both Sebastian and I had plenty of practice in the past brewing these, so it was a piece of cake. 

"Excellent brewing, you two," said Professor Sharp as he walked past us. "Ten points for Slytherin." 

Me and Sebastian shared a smile, but the moment was cut short when fireworks suddenly started to fly in the front of the class. 

"What is going on?" the Professor asked sharply, turning his head to the front of the class. "Garreth, of course... How did you manage to turn something as simple as a wiggenweld into a firework display? Minus five points from Gryffindor." 

Garreth slumped down defeated. "You'll all see what you're missing out on one day, I'll be the best!" 

Muted laughter sounded around the room. Potions was never a boring class when Weasley was there. 

After class, Sebastian and I had some time before the next one. "Want to go to the library and study with me?" he offered. 

"Of course," I smiled. 

We walked through the halls towards the library. About halfway there, Sebastian took my hand in his and intertwined his fingers with mine. He yanked me closer to him as we walked, making me giggle a little bit. I noticed some of the other female students giving me dirty looks as we walked by. 

"Just ignore them," Sebastian told me. "They're just jealous that nobody wants them." 

I laughed at his words, even though my insides were burning with jealousy. I hated to admit it, but even seeing other girls looking his way with that doting look in their eye made me want to break their noses. They would never have what's mine, and even thinking about it should be a crime. Sebastian will never belong to anybody else but me. 

We entered the library and I gave Sebastian a few moments to find the book he was looking for. We headed over to a desk in the back and each pulled a chair up to the table. I pulled out a divination assignment and started to get to work as he opened the book on the table. 

As I worked, I kept catching him staring in my direction. When I locked eyes with him, there was something there- his eyes were dark and his lips were curled up into a little smirk. His gaze traveled down my body slowly before returning to my face, where they stopped at my lips. 

"Keep undressing me with your eyes like that, and I'll catch a cold," I told him, turning back to my homework. 

"Cold is the last thing you'd be if I were undressing you, Darling," he said, his voice low. 

My cheeks turned bright red and I pushed my thighs tight together, trying to stop whatever reaction my body was having to his words. 

"So sexy, when you're all hot for me, y/n," he growled. 

"Merlin's Beard Sebastian," I rolled my eyes. 

I couldn't even study around him anymore without getting completely distracted. 

Suddenly, he grabbed the seat of my chair which made a loud scraping sound against the floor as he pulled me closer to him. 

"Sebastian!" I whisper-yelled. "That was too loud!" 

He giggled at me and turned his eyes back to his book. As he continued reading, he placed a hand high on my thigh and gave it a hard squeeze. I tensed up under his touch. 

"So responsive to me, darling," he muttered quietly. 

After we left the library, we started the walk to our next class, which was defense against the dark arts. He seated himself next to me, and we pulled out our textbooks. 

"Find page one hundred sixty-four," said Professor Hecat. "Today we'll be learning about some dangerous spells you might encounter and how to avoid them. Though these spells are outlawed by The Ministry, desperate witches and wizards have been known to use them from time to time." 

Sebastian and I shared a look after reading the chapter title. 

The Unforgivable Curses.

During class, I couldn't focus on the lesson. I didn't need to, anyways- I'd had plenty of experience with these spells, and not just deflecting them. 

I had casted all three of these spells in my fifth year. I could tell Sebastian was sharing the same sentiment. His eyes were dark and disassociated as he stared blankly at his textbook. 

All this was doing for me was bringing up flashbacks I wish I could obliviate from my memory. 

"Okay, and that's all I have for you today! I want twelve inches on how to defend against them handed in by Monday." Hecat said, pulling me from my stupor.

"You two," she pointed at Sebastian and I. "I'd like a word with the two of you before you go." 

We followed her up to the front of the class where she told us we would be excused from the assignment. "I think you both have plenty of firsthand experience defending against these spells to excuse you from this essay." 

"Thank you," I muttered, before turning and leaving with Sebastian. He said nothing on the walk back to the dorms. 

"I reckon we'll have a chance to go into Hogsmeade this weekend and ask around town about the two guys in the cave if you're still wanting to go with me," I told him, trying to change the subject. I could tell he was still stewing about it. 

"Sure thing," he said, swiftly moving past me toward the boy's rooms. 

I wasn't done talking to you, you arse, I thought to myself as he stormed away. 

I wanted to go back to the cave tonight, just to look around. I knew there wasn't much else to see there, but maybe I'm wrong about that. I was thinking about following the tunnel they'd escaped through to see if it led anywhere special. 

I knew I shouldn't go by myself, so I guess I'd have to wait. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now