Chapter 79

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A few days passed, and it was now Saturday. Tonight, I would have to choose whether or not I was going to go see Charles. I still didn't have as solid of a plan as I hoped. 

Sebastian and I had maintained some forms of friendly conversation during and after classes, but nothing more than that. It almost seemed as if he were acting like nothing had happened at all, like we were new friends. I could help but feel a little bittersweet in regards to his behavior; I knew I wanted him as more than a friend, and I was pretty sure he felt that way too. I was still feeling the loss of what we once had, and I never considered how tough it would be to have to start all over again. Still, I was glad that we were talking again. 

Lenora Everleigh and Adelaide Oakes somehow caught wind that Sebastian and I weren't technically together anymore, and they'd been pressing anyone they could for details about what happened. No one told them that he'd lost his memory, so thankfully, they were still treading carefully. Still... I couldn't stand the way she acted around him. 

Lenora would touch his arm playfully in passing or when asking him for help with assignments. She was slowly ebbing her way back into his presence, and I hated every second of it. Eventually I needed to tell Sebastian what those two harlots did to us so I could put a stop to this. For now though, it was at least a little entertaining to watch as Sebastian thwarted her flirtatious efforts. Unlike last time, I could tell he really wasn't interested in either Lenora or Adelaide. 

As the day trudged on, I was absolutely dreading the decision that would come later that night. I'd have to leave after everyone had gone to sleep and make sure to return before they woke up in the morning, or I know that Professor Weasley would hear about it. Imelda was keeping good on her promise to keep an eye on me over the last week or so. 

"What did you get for this question?" Sebastian asked me, pointing down at his transfiguration homework. Him, Ominis and I were all sitting in the Undercroft working on our homework together. It felt sort of nice, being able to return to some sort of normalcy with him, although I personally preferred to have been sitting a lot closer to him while we worked. 

"You can just have my notes since I'm finished with that assignment, if you want," I offered. 

"Really? Thanks." He grinned and took my notes from my hand, and our fingers brushed as he did so. I still got butterflies when little things like that happened between us, and I wished I knew if he did too. It took so little action from him to get me to blush, and it felt worse now that I wasn't able to have as much physical contact with him than in the past. I was craving him even more now that I couldn't have him in the same ways. 

"You'd be better off doing that on your own, you know," Ominis added after Sebastian and I's exchange. "How else do you expect to pass your exams?"

"Always worrying, you are," Sebastian chuckled.

I smiled to myself and took in our little moment. Even though it's only been about a week, I still missed this. It wasn't exactly the same, but I would have to take what I could get. After a little while, Ominis left to go to the library and Sebastian and I were left on our own in the Undercroft. We worked side by side in silence for a while before Sebastian nonchalantly rested his head on my shoulder and let out a deep breath. I tensed up and suppressed my desire to reach out and hold him. 

"Do you still love me?" he asked me after we sat like that for a few minutes. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. I couldn't help it- having him this close to me, I needed to touch him. 

"Always," I whispered. I leaned my head down and rested it on his, breathing in his familiar scent. 

"Tell me something about you," he said.

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt