Chapter 44

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The moon was the color of blood, casting a sickly red light on the landscapes below. 

I sucked in a breath as I felt something brush against my back. I drew my wand and turned on my heel quickly ready to attack. Relieved, I lowered my wand when I realized it was Sebastian. he grabbed my hand and led me through the forest to the entrance of a cave. I felt his hand slip out of mine, but when I looked to where he stood, he was gone. 

"Catch me if you can." I heard his voice surround me like a whisper. 

I looked back to the entrance of the cave. I couldn't see where it led to- it was pitch black. I decided to go in anyways, with my wand drawn. 

As I traveled farther into the cave, the same sickly red glow started to fill the tunnels, helping light the way. Then at the end, I reached that familiar cavern, full of the red crystals.

I was startled by what I saw once I entered the cavern. 

There were two men, each of them holding someone familiar, digging the tips of their wands into their necks. 

It was Sebastian and Poppy. 

"Choose," said one of the men. 

"Choose," said the other. 

Poppy and Sebastian squirmed under their grasp. I had to choose?

I looked back and forth between Poppy and Sebastian. My heart knew who I was going to choose all along, but my mind fought the conclusion, trying to find a way to save them both. After heavy consideration, I let out a sigh. 

I made my choice, pointing my finger out at who I wanted to save. 

The last thing I heard before I woke up was Poppy's screams. 

Like every other night, I woke up in a pool of sweat with my face covered in tear stains. Imelda and Nerida were still asleep, which brought me some relief. 

I was so tired of these dreams. Now, with the worry that they might actually mean something, I was more terrified than I'd ever been. 

I almost didn't want to fight falling asleep anymore. I wanted to see what the future might be. I was obsessing over it- obsessively thinking of all the ways I could stop it. That dream brought my mind back to the cave. 

I needed to figure out what they were up to and put a stop to it before it went too far. 

I got up and got dressed, almost in a daze of anger. I wanted to stop them. I needed to find out what they were planning, before any of these dreams came true. I wasn't about to let any of the people close to me get hurt because I couldn't get rid of the threat fast enough. 

This time, I brought my broom so I could get to the cave quicker. After hiding it in some bushes a small distance away, I checked out the camp. 

I was right when I thought they'd bring more men out to guard it after what we did last time. 

I was so angry as I made my way through the camp, several times I caught myself right before I cast an unforgivable curse on some of them. 

I hated that I felt like this, but I needed to do this. If there was any chance this was tied to my dream, they all needed to die. 

After the camp was cleared, I made my way through the cave and into the cavern. There were several men down in the cavern, mining the crystals and packing them up into large crates to ship off to Merlin knows where. I wanted to slaughter them all, I really did, but I needed to figure out where they were sending these crates. In order to do so, I decided to do something incredibly risky. 

I climbed into one of the empty crates and closed myself inside, hoping for the best. Hopefully I would make it to wherever they were taking these. 

Sebastian's POV//

"You're sure you didn't see her leave?" I asked Imelda again. 

"Like I said before, she was there when I went to sleep, and gone when I woke up."

I was pacing the common room. She missed her first class today and no one knows where she is. Her broom was gone, but other than that, no signs telling where she went. 

I'd already went into Hogsmeade and asked around if she had been there today. Nobody had seen her. 

I was beginning to worry. I know she's been on edge recently since discovering the cave, and having all those weird dreams. 

I didn't think she'd go into the cave all by herself, but it wasn't a stretch. I needed to check that out next. 

The rest of my classes today weren't important to me anymore. Nothing was more important to me right now than finding out what trouble she's got herself into. 

After reaching the cave, the camp outside was way larger than what I'd previously seen. From my view, there was no way right off the bat to tell if she'd been here. I was starting to get increasingly worried. 

What sent me over the edge, was when I found her broom buried in the bushes outside the camp. She was here somewhere. She wouldn't just leave this here. 

Anger burned through me as I wiped out the camp with every spell in the book. The familiar power of the unforgivable curses pierced through me as I used them to wipe out every last one of them. After that, I sprinted into the cave, taking out everyone on my way to the cavern. 

When I got there, there were several men inside, who all looked to be harvesting the crystals and packing them up. The familiar red glow coated everything, making it hard to see. 

I started casting curses at anyone who looked at me. I stopped when I saw David, one of the men from the first time y/n and I came here. 

"Glacius!" I said, freezing his whole body, except for his head. He fell to the ground and let out a grunt. 

"Where is she?" I yelled in his face. 

"I don't know what you're talking about!" he said. "If you're talking about that bitch who keeps killing all our men, I have no idea. She's not here, mate."

"You're lying," I stated. "She was here, and now you have her somewhere. Tell me where she is, or you're going to get hurt."

I held my wand up to his neck, and he tried to squirm his head away. 

"I promise, I'm telling the truth!"

I cast crucio on him without any second thoughts. His screams filled the chamber as I did so. 

Suddenly, something hard hit the back of my head, knocking me to the floor. I tried to get up, but they hit me a second time. As I fell back down, everything went black. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora