Chapter 86

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I opened the door to my dorm, and what I found inside was probably the thing I expected to see the least. Or should I say the person I found. 

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked Ominis. He was standing next to my bed with an opened envelope in his hand. The bottom drawer of my nightstand and the book on the bed was open, so I knew exactly what he'd found. I only hoped he hadn't read it yet. 

Ominis stammered, not sure how to answer me. 

"Ominis," I reiterated, "what are you doing with my stuff?" 

"You're hiding something," he finally said after a brief pause. The face of fear he'd had after getting caught was gone now, and his face was back to its usual indecipherable expression.

"Am I not allowed to have secrets?" I crossed the room and tried to snatch the letter from his hands, but he jerked it back before I could grab it. "Ominis, just give it to me." My frustration was beginning to grow. 

"Not until you explain to me why you have this. You were supposed to turn all letters into Professor Weasley. Why do you still have this one?"

My chest grew tight, and I fought for a way to explain it to him without implicating myself. "It's not what it looks like."

"Then tell me what's going on," he said. "I can't help you unless you tell me." 

After staring back at him momentarily, I finally broke down and told him everything. I told Ominis about meeting with him and what the meetings were like. I told him that I was due to meet with him again on the night of the dance. I also told him I was trying to devise a plan to eliminate him. Ominis just listened to me, and at no point did he say he would tell on me. 

He was silent for a while after I spilled everything, and he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he took everything in. "So, you've been meeting with him in secret. But he hasn't told you what he's up to?"

"I know, it's odd. The whole thing has felt weird, but I thought that at least getting close to him would give me some insight on taking him down."

Honestly, I felt loads lighter after finally sharing my secret with someone. I trusted Ominis, but there was still a tiny bit of fear that he'd tell on me. "You're not going to tell, are you?" I finally asked him. 

"I really should, but I think you're on to something here. He's given you a good opportunity here, whether he thinks it or not. You mentioned that he takes your wand when you meet him; have you tried experimenting with wandless magic?"

"Honestly, I haven't even thought of that!" I said excitedly. "Maybe I can find a way to use the ancient magic that way; it's always been easier for me to channel, and sometimes when I'm in the moment, I didn't even use my wand when I used to conjure it."

"Well, there's something," Ominis stated with a pensive look. "But you can't depend on that unless you know you can pull it off every time."

"I know," I said, rolling my eyes. I flopped back onto my bed.

"You could always ask Natty for some pointers," Ominis suggested. I immediately perked up at this. I'd forgotten entirely. She used only to do wandless magic when she attended Uagadou before coming to Hogwarts. 

"That is an excellent idea!" I explained. Just as I said that a knock sounded at the door. I went over and opened it, revealing Sebastian. He peeked inside and spotted Ominis sitting criss-cross on my bed. 

"What are you two doing here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Ominis and I shared a look, or at least I gave him one before returning my attention to Sebastian. 

"I guess I might as well tell you too, then," I said, ushering him inside. 

I then spilled my secret to Sebastian as well. I was more hesitant about telling him because I knew he was the kind of person who liked to react. He was less likely to tell on me, but I knew he would want to be involved in whatever I was planning. After what happened last time, there was no way I would let that happen. 

Part of me was nervous that they might go and tell on me anyways. Ominis and Sebastian had both promised me several times that they wouldn't. But There was a chance they were lying to me. 

I knew he would if Ominis thought it was for my good. Sebastian? I wasn't sure. I knew that before, he wouldn't. But now, I wasn't sure. I didn't know if I knew him at all anymore. Everything that made him into the person I knew before was different now. The Sebastian that was with me now wasn't the same Sebastian who was my boyfriend. 

I knew I needed to get over the memory loss. It happened, and so be it. I just needed to start getting to know the person before me. I'd been shutting myself off him, but I knew I couldn't do that. We were going to the dance together this weekend, and I needed to ensure I could do that without having a breakdown or being over-stressed. I needed to shove everything else to the back of my brain and just be there for Sebastian. 

It was just that I also had to go and meet Charles right after the dance. It usually took all day for me to psyche myself up to go and see him, so I just hoped that I'd be able to act like myself at the dance. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now