Chapter 65

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On my way to the meeting location, I occasionally glanced back to see if Sebastian was still following me. Chances were that he was, but there's nothing I can do about it, no matter how non-ideal that situation was. I kept my wand drawn at my side and ready to go at the first sign of danger. Just being in the woods was dangerous in itself, setting aside the fact that I was here to meet a crazy man. 

We were to meet by the lake in the middle of the woods. My heart was racing more and more as I got closer to my destination. Even though it was absolutely freezing outside, I could still feel the nervous droplets of sweat trickling across my forehead and the back of my neck, causing my hair to stick around the edges of my hairline. Every so often, I heard the bushes rustle behind me or a twig snapping, and I could only assume that was Sebastian. Or, at least I hoped it was. Even if it wasn't, I'd let whoever was following me do so under the pretense that I didn't want to reveal Sebastian again if it actually happened to be him. 

Once I reached the lake, I took a look around and didn't see any sign of Charles Bellemonte. The only thing I could think of was that I might be early. Still, I kept my guard up in case this was some sort of ambush situation. They wouldn't get away with that again. I was walking in little circles to make sure I knew my surroundings as I waited. I didn't really know how long I should wait for, but I figured I'd be out here for a while. I didn't want to miss him if he was just coming later and have him think that I didn't come. After all, I had to make sure he didn't make good on the threats he'd written in the letter. 

beginning to grow impatient, I folded my arms over my chest and paced back and forth. I wondered about Sebastian, too. I didn't really tell him what I was doing, except that I needed to come alone and there was no way to know what he was thinking right now. All I could hope was that if he was around here somewhere, that he wouldn't be stupid and reveal himself. 

I heard a rustling to my right and whipped my head around to see Charles stepping out of the tree line. 

"You made it," Charles said. "But too bad you couldn't follow my simple instructions." 

two men came out of the dark behind him holding an unconscious Sebastian in the middle. My heart dropped at the sight. 

How did they even find him? 

"I did come alone," I said. "If he was following me, I didn't know it." I thought the only thing I could do in this situation was try to lie my way out of it. 

"While I don't know what events led up to his presence here tonight, I can only assume you and this boy were conspiring. All of our other meetings very well prove this point."


I looked back over to Sebastian, who was still out cold, his head and limbs hanging completely limp. 

"Don't worry, he's not dead yet," Charles smiled. "I thought we could play a game first."

Oh Merlin. More games. 

My heart was practically beating out of my chest. I tightened the sweaty grip I had on my wand and prepared for the worst.  

The two wizards dropped Sebastian to the ground and cast some sort of spell on him that woke him up. He sat up with a startled look on his face and attempted to get on his feet. I watched as he patted his pockets for his wand, but came up completely empty handed. 

"Come here, Mr. Sallow," Charles said, his tone sickeningly sweet. 

Sebastian's gaze hopped between Charles and I. 

"Do as he says, please," I said. Confusion was written all over his face as Sebastian hesitantly stepped towards the man. I don't know what Charles was thinking, but I needed time to figure out a way out of this. It was practically three against once right now, seeing as Sebastian didn't have his wand. 

Once Sebastian reached him, Charles grabbed him by the hood of his cloak and held him close. He whispered something in Sebastian's ear, and I watched as his eyes went wide with fear. 

"You can't do that!" Sebastian said. "I'd rather be dead!" 

"Well I could just kill you then, if you want that," Charles responded. 

"No!" I interjected. "Whatever you want, I'll do it, but you can't lay a finger on him. You have to promise me you won't hurt him."

The tension in the air was thick enough to be able to be cut with a knife. I adjusted the grip on my wand and pointed it directly at Charles. He only held Sebastian closer, making it so I wouldn't be able to get a clear shot. 

"If you try anything, I'll just apparate and take him with me. Then I can do whatever I want to him. But if you promise not to do anything rash, and to help me with my endeavors tonight, then I'll promise not to hurt him. But you have to follow all of my instructions from now on." 

I thought about his words carefully. So long as Sebastian stays out of this, I have a chance at saving him. 

"Like I said, I'll do whatever you want me to," I replied quickly. I already knew that he would be planning something like this, but now more than ever, I have to comply in order to keep Sebastian safe. 

"Very well then," Charles smiled. "Here is what I want you to do now." He threw Sebastian to the ground, who immediately scrambled up towards me, nearly falling into my arms. 

"Don't do it," Sebastian whispered hastily. His eyes were full of fear and sadness as he spoke. "Please don't."

I shoved Sebastian behind me and turned my attention back towards Charles. 

"What do I need to do?" I asked. 

"I assume a capable witch like yourself is familiar with the spell 'obliviate', am I correct?"

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now