Chapter 46

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After that, Sebastian picked himself off the ground and came to my side. "Who is this guy, y/n?" he said. 

"Sebastian, you have to listen to me," I said. "You have to let me do this. You can't come looking for me again. Okay?"

Tears were starting to slide down my cheeks. I didn't want to be doing this, but I would, if it meant that Sebastian walked free. 

"You know I can't do that, y/n," he told me. His own voice was becoming broken and full of emotion. I hated seeing him like this. 

Charles cleared his throat, and both Sebastian and I looked at him. "I actually have a better idea," he said. "Old deal was fun, and watching the two of you freak out about it was entertaining, but I think this will be way more amusing." 

"What do you want with her?" Sebastian yelled. "Just let us go! You can't make her do anything!"

"Sebastian, please," I said, trying to calm him down. He had no idea who this guy is or what he's capable of. Neither did I, for that matter.

"I'll let you both go if y/n can beat me in a duel," he said. "Simple as that."

A duel? 

"That's It?" I remarked. 

"'That's it?'' he mocked me. "You have no idea who I am! And I like the idea of seeing what you're capable of myself, and I'd really like to keep both of you now."

This man was sick. He was just playing games. Toying with us. I could tell there was no guarantee he'd actually keep his word and let us go. 

"Do you accept?" he finally asked. 

"Sure, fine," I said. I drew my wand. 

"We're going to do this right, though. Come stand back to back with me." 

I did as I was told, as Sebastian just watched. He couldn't do anything else, especially with no wand. 

We stood there with our backs together for a moment before beginning. He counted out the steps, and we turned to face each other. 

"Ready when you are, darling," he said. Him calling me that made me want to barf. 

I waited for him to make the first move, but it seemed that he was doing the same thing. 

I looked at my surroundings, and there didn't seem to be much around me I could use. I thought about the quickest way to end this, and one spell came to mind. 

"Avada kedavra!" I yelled, aiming directly for him. He shoved his wand out and a blue light came from it, combating my green lightning looking magic. It lit up the room as we tried to overpower one another. He eventually took my curse, deflecting it off, blowing a good sized chuck in the wall. 

"Very forward, Miss y/n," Charles spoke. "I thought we were just having a duel? I'm not trying to kill you."

I didn't reply. Instead, I started launching spells at him left and right, all while deflecting his. He landed a few hits on me and I on him, but it seemed to be quite a draw. He was good- very good.

He suddenly took hold of the ancient magic inside him, picking me up off the floor. I fought against it the best I could, but I couldn't free myself. He had me. 

"Crucio!" someone yelled behind me. As Charles dropped his wand to the floor, and contorted in pain he fell to the floor while letting out grunts of agony. I turned my head around to see Sebastian, holding his wand once again. I didn't hesitate with the opportunity, as I turned back around to Charles. 

"Bombarda!" I yelled, blowing him against the wall again with a blast. He lay unconscious on the floor as a few more wizards came down the stairs. Sebastian and I take them out easily and run away from the scene.  

We ran for as long and as hard as we could. It was well into the evening by the time we made it out of there. I had definitely missed some classes today and would need a really good explanation. 

"Merlin's beard, y/n," Sebastian said between breaths as we stopped running. "What have you gotten yourself into now?"

"Honestly, I have no clue. I'll explain what I know later but for now, we just need to get back to the castle. Do you have any idea where we are?"

"Yes, I can get us back. You know you can just tell me now? It's going to be a long walk."

I let out a sigh and started to explain. I was still processing everything myself, so I just dumped it all. I started from when I cleared the camp and got into the crate, all the way to where he offered me the deal in the cave. Sebastian then he knew the rest. 

"So he has the same abilities as you?" Sebastian questioned. "Like the ancient magic stuff?"

"Yes," I said. "I wouldn't have believed it, until he used it on me during our duel." 

"Well that's certainly something to worry about," he said. 

"And I didn't even really figure out what he was planning, either. I think he intends to use it for similar purposes that Isadora did, but that's all I gathered."

Sebastian didn't say anything the rest of the way back, and neither did I. 

I was too busy thinking about the fact that neither of us had hesitated to use the unforgivable curses again earlier. They weren't even used against us- yet we'd both just used them to get out of there. I let out a sigh and tried not to think about it. 

The parallels to my dreams were there, but not exactly as I'd seen them. I hoped what I saw would never happen. And if I could help to stop if from happening, I would try as hard as I could.

"No more unforgivables, Sebastian," I suddenly said.


"We are not to use them again, even if we are in danger. There are plenty of other spells to use. Please just promise me that you won't use that curse again."

"If it's your life on the line, I will not hesitate to do what I must in order to save you," he said, without hesitation. "I don't care what spells I use or how I achieve it, but I will always fight to protect you, no matter what."

I didn't have anything to say after that. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat