Chapter 29 + A Garreth Meme

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The music blared through the common room, and people kept trying to approach me and talk to me about the quidditch game, but my attention was elsewhere.


I knew parties weren't really his thing, but watching him now, he seemed to be having at least a little fun. I'd watch him as he repeatedly refilled his drink, well on his way to having a terrible hangover in the morning. I shouldn't be one to speak of it though, seeing as I was already getting there myself. He caught my eyes from across the room, and started to come toward me. 

"Well hello there, darling," he said as he came to face me. His lips curled up into a smile. 

The nickname filled my stomach with butterflies and made me a little bit weak in the knees. 

"Hello to you too," I smiled, hoping I didn't look like a radish. My face was still burning as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor. 

Part of me was still nervous that this could be another Lenora trick. After all, Sebastian has never called me that nickname before. 

He pulled me close as we danced, but my mind was running a million miles an hour, not able to focus on the present moment. 

"You're all spaced off," Sebastian noted. "What are you thinking about?"

"Tell me something only you would know," I asked him. It was the only way to know for sure that this wasn't another trick. 

"Why?" he laughed. 

"Just humor me for a moment," I said, gently smacking him in the arm. 

"Alright, let me think," he said. He pursed his lips. "I showed you to the Undercroft in our fifth year," he finally said. 

"True," I said, smiling. I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed back and forth.

"Are you worried that I was someone else?" he asked me. 

"Yes," I admitted. 

"Okay, well now you have to tell me something that only you would know," he said playfully. 

"Your name is engraved on the inside of the ring you gave me," I said after little thought. "By the way, you never explained what you meant in the Undercroft earlier when you were talking about that." 

"I don't feel like telling," he mused. "It's more fun watching you twist yourself up in knots about it."

"Whatever," I said. I lifted my face up to look at his eyes. 

He had the most beautiful hazel eyes. I loved to just stare into them. I could do it for hours on end and never be bored with it. 

"Why are you looking at me like that again?" he asked me, taking another swig of his drink. I followed suit and downed the rest of what was in mine. 

"You have really nice eyes, Sebastian," I admitted. 

"Oh do I?" he chuckled. Instead of replying, I once again pulled him closer and rested my head on him. He put his chin on the crook of my neck, and I heard him take a deep breath. "You smell very nice, y/n," he said against my ear, his voice almost at a whisper. I felt sparks rush through me as the tip of his nose brushed my ear and felt his hot breath on my neck. 

Being close to Sebastian was addicting. He was consuming me whole, and I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to go without having all of him. I thought about what it might feel like to kiss him. 

He suddenly brushed his fingers down my spine, sending shivers across my back. 

I felt Sebastian suddenly jolt upward, looking past me at something across the room. 

"You'll never fucking guess who's here," Sebastian said, turning me around and pointing across the room. 

It was Lenora fucking Everleigh and her minion, Adelaide Oakes. The two wicked bitches of Hogwarts. "Who the hell let them in?" I exclaimed. My hands balled up into fists, and I thought about heading over there to give her a nice punch in the face. 

"Someone needs to ask them to leave," Sebastian said. 

Suddenly, I got a glorious idea. 

"Sebastian, I just had a thought," I told him. 

His eyes lit up as I told him my plan. 

"Are you sure you want to do that?" he laughed. "Anything could happen, and I quite literally mean anything."

"Well it's the best idea I've got, and if we do this right, she won't know it was us at all. And we don't even know if anything will happen at all."

"You're devious," Sebastian told me. "Very, very devious, but I'm totally in."

"I'm going to wait until they've had a little more to drink to do it; in the meantime, can you go let Imelda know what we're up to so she doesn't try to kick them out just yet?"

"Yes, captain," he said while giving me a cheesy salute. With that, Sebastian was off. 

I eyed the two girls from across the room, wondering why they thought it was a smart idea to come here at all. Lenora looked up and caught my eye and didn't look away. I couldn't read her facial expression, but I knew that I should probably be on the lookout for any of her stupid tricks tonight as well. After a few seconds of continued eye contact, I gave her a wink and headed off to my dorm. 

Upon entry, I opened up the little drawer in my bedside table and rummaged around until I found what I was looking for. 

I picked up Garreth's mystery potion and headed back out into the commons.

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now