Chapter 7

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As we stood there, my face in his hands, it felt right, but it also hurt. Talking to him was just bringing up more memories and flashbacks from that year. He couldn't even answer my question. If he wasn't angry with me still, then why had he left me alone after all this time?

I watched his eyes trace my face- they were full of pain and regret, but he still couldn't tell me why. 

If he wasn't mad at me, I suppose there was only one other thing it could be.

"You don't still blame yourself for what happened, do you?" I asked him. He stayed silent for a little while, but this time I got a reply.

"I do, y/n," he said. "I see now how much pain I put you through, and I know what I did to Ominis, and Anne, and... my uncle..." he trailed off. He fell silent again, but I didn't need him to say any more. I understood. I felt what he felt, and it's hell. 

"It wasn't you who put me through any pain, Sebastian, everything I did was my own choice, as was anything you did, yours." I didn't mean to sound harsh at the last but, but it made him frown. He already knew this. 

"Do you think we could start over?" he asked me. "Try to go back to how we were, and just be friends again? I missed you more than I'd like to admit."

"I feel like I've been waiting to hear that forever, Sebastian," I replied. "the answer is yes, a hundred times over."

I was so relieved. Here I thought he hated me, but that wasn't true. He'd actually missed me, like I did him. 

"We should probably go back to sleep, Sebastian, we do have class in just a few hours," I mentioned. 

"That's probably a good idea. What class do you have first tomorrow?"

"Advanced Potions," I tell him. He tells me that he's also in that class. After saying goodnight, we headed back to our dorms. 

Did I really just make up with him?

That really happened, right? It still feels surreal. It's what I've been wanting for so long, and it felt so easy. 

When I made it back to my room, I was pleased to see that I hadn't woken Imelda or Nerida again. I slipped under the covers of my bed and began to drift off to sleep. 

I woke up in the morning pleased that I didn't have any more nightmares. I had some weird dreams, but nothing too scary or traumatizing.

I was nervous for potions, seeing as Sebastian would be there, and I still wasn't a hundred percent sure how to act around him. I headed to the great hall for breakfast, and plopped down at the Slytherin table next to Ominis. He was reading some book, but looked up from it when I arrived. 

"Sebastian, is that you?" he asked.

"Nope, it's y/n," I replied. 

"Oh, well good morning, if I can even call it that. It's absolutely frigid outside today." 

"I noticed that too," I laughed. "It's not supposed to be cold yet."

Ominis went on to say something else, but I couldn't pay attention to whatever it was, as Sebastian had entered the room. His eyes scanned the table and settled directly on me. for some reason, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Again, I took note of how he'd changed since we first met; his facial structure was more manly, and he was definitely taller. His hair had grown out just a bit, and was now drooping down across his forehead. 

He crossed the room, coming towards the table, never taking his eyes off of me. I smiled softly at this. It felt good. 

He sat down next to me and across from Ominis. "Hello, Ominis," he said. "And y/n." Ominis raised an eyebrow at this. Of course he didn't know we had talked again.

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now