Chapter 47

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After everything that happened, I wasn't even sure where to start. 

We had a name and a face for the man that was behind all this, and even some of the concerning details regarding his plans. I had no idea how I was going to stop him from using that magic. 

Even if I found a way to move the stores of it that are in the cave, since he's like me, he could just make more by taking away people's emotions. I almost wondered if we were better off just letting him have what was in the cave. He would just find worse ways to get it if I tried to stop him. 

Sebastian was glued to my side more so now than ever after that. He refused to let me do anything by myself. He was afraid I'd get another bold idea. 

Right now, I wasn't planning anything bold. I needed to gather myself and come up with a plan first. In my mind, the only way that this threat can be taken out completely, is if I kill him. I just don't know that I'll be able to do that just yet. He almost bested me in combat, and the only reason I was able to escape was because of Sebastian's help. He'd managed to take out the other wizards and get his wand back that day, which saved our lives. 

I don't think Charles would have let us go like he promised, even if I beat him fair and square. 

Part of me wondered if I should tell Professor Weasley. I knew that their help would be a definite plus, but I don't think they quite understand what people like Charles and I are capable of. Having someone like me working against them could cost them their lives, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to get them involved, or anyone involved, for that matter. I didn't even like the idea of Sebastian helping me. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost him. 

"Hey, you've hardly touched your butterbeer," Sebastian nudged me. I was brought back to the present moment, where Sebastian, Poppy, Natty, Garreth, and I were at the Three Broomsticks. 

"Not very thirsty," I told him. I looked over to the end of the table where Poppy was seated next to Garreth. Natty was teasing them about how much time they'd been spending together recently, and Poppy was turning bright red. 

"Well she's a cute girl, can you blame me?" said Garreth, throwing his arm around Poppy. She only blushed harder and hid her face with her hands. 

"You better treat her well, Weasley," said Natty. 

"And don't feed her any mystery potions," I interjected. "Wanna know what the one you gave me on my birthday actually did?"

"It was supposed to give you green hair," he said. "It was supposed to wear off after a few hours."

"Well I gave it to Lenora and Adelaide, and they went bald and pretty much turned into lizard people," I told him. "So no feeding Poppy anything that you brew. I'll come for you if you do."

"Guys, guys, can we stop talking about me?" Poppy said. "You're all embarrassing me!" 

Everyone just kind of laughed at them as she said this. 

Garreth and Poppy. They were quite the unsuspecting pair. Garreth seemed to treat her well, though, and that's all I cared about in that regard. He made her happy. 

I'm only jealous because I've been seeing a lot less of her around recently, but I guess I might've been doing the same thing since Sebastian and I started seeing each other as well. Being able to hang out with everyone was definitely good for me at the moment. 

I'd been so stressed in the past couple of weeks since Sebastian and I met Charles. I've hardly been able to pay attention in class, and we even lost our last quidditch game. That wasn't necessarily my fault though- Ravenclaw managed to knock one of our chasers out of the game and scored a shit ton of points, so even when I caught the snitch, we still lost. 

Sebastian nudged me again. "What are you thinking about?" He held my gaze with his warm eyes and put his finger under my chin to tilt my face up to his. 

"Everything," I said. "Just feeling overwhelmed, all the time now." 

He placed his palm against my cheek, caressing me with his thumb. "I know this is dumb advice, but why don't you just try to forget it all for now? We can go to that Ravenclaw party tonight, drink some fire whiskey, and bully Lenora and Adelaide a little bit. Does that sound like fun?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess."

"Well it's settled then," he smiled back. 

"Did I hear party?" Garreth interrupted. "If it's the Ravenclaw party, I'll go too. As long as Poppy comes," he smiled a cheesy grin at her. 

"I cannot go or my mother will skin me," interjected Natty. "But you all have fun."

"Sounds like I'm going too, then," said Poppy. 

After we left Hogsmeade, Poppy came to my dorm room to get ready for the party with me. 

"How are you and Sebastian doing?" she asked as she brushed her hair. 

"Good," I said. 

"Has he actually asked you to be his girlfriend yet?"

"No," I laughed. "I think we are boyfriend and girlfriend by now though, or at least I hope so."

"Well you should call him your boyfriend tonight," she giggled. "You'll probably make him blush."

I laughed with her as I finished up on my hair. After that, I applied some light makeup to my eyelids, and added a gloss on my lips. I didn't have much in my closet for nice clothes, so I stuck with a black skirt, tights, and a dark gray sweater. I wore my pair of chunky black combat boots with it as well. I wasn't really one for fancy little shoes with heels and all that. Especially if I'll be drinking, and you never know what kinds of drinks and potions the Ravenclaws brew up before their parties. 

Poppy and I headed out into the Slytherin Commons where we met up with Sebastian. Garreth said he'd meet us inside the Ravenclaw Common room. 

Sebastian greeted me with a kiss on the forehead before he took my hand and led me out the commons, with Poppy following behind us. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin