Chapter 1

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Even though I'm in my seventh year at Hogwarts, it's only my third year attending the school overall.

So much has happened to me throughout my time here, it's hard to grasp how much time has passed. It feels like it was only yesterday that I was blasting through poacher camps, wandering into crypts, finding my way through caves, and of course, battling Ranrok and his loyalists. Though there are many sour memories and PTSD because of everything I went through, there were moments of light as well.

Even though we aren't friends anymore, I still think fondly of Sebastian. I know he did many terrible things, but I know that his heart was in the right place. He cares so deeply for his sister Anne, and I know that not being able to see her after everything has been hard on him. 

As I sit on the Hogwarts Express, all of these memories are being dragged up from the depths of my mind. 

I thought for sure that Sebastian and I would remain friends after everything that happened. Hell, I was there for him at the drop of a hat. He didn't need to tell me why he needed me, or what foes we might face, he knew I'd be there for him no matter what. But after everything, we went home for the summer, and just so happened to not speak at all. I sent him an owl, letting him know that I was alright, and everything worked out, despite Professor Fig not making it. I was still haunted to this day with nightmares and flashbacks due to everything that happened. My parents being 'muggles' didn't quite understand. They knew I was a witch and that I had some special abilities, but they didn't know the extent of what I'd gone through. 

Sebastian didn't reach out to me that summer, and was hardly there in our sixth year as well. He received some pardons from administration due to his circumstances, and was able to advance to his seventh year without repercussion. We didn't talk at all in our sixth year. It hurt me a bit, but I guess I never saw him outside of the few classes he attended. He was never in the commons, never in the great hall, and never wandering the school grounds. I know he was going through a lot, but I was too. After so much loss in my fifth year, it was hard. I had a few friends, but none of them were as close to me as Sebastian was. I had Ominis; we had a bit of a rocky start in our sixth year after everything that had happened with Sebastian was still fresh, and he blamed me a bit for not stopping him. But after some time, he was able to forgive me. Hanging out with him was okay most of the time, except when he would bring up Sebastian. For some reason it would hurt to hear his name. I'd wince whenever students talked about him. I felt as if I lost him, not knowing if we'd ever be able to reconcile after everything.

After all, he was the one to show me around Hogsmeade my first time. I beat him in that duel in Professor Hecat's class, and he seemed enamored with me after that, always asking my help for the smallest of things. We spent countless hours together learning spells and defeating enemies. It felt so unnatural to me that after all that, that he could go on without saying anything to me.

I hate to admit it, but I sent him so many owls. At least one a week, for that first summer apart. I thought we'd go on being friends like normal, but no. I was wrong. It seemed as if he wanted nothing to do with the likes of me. Was it because I chose not to take that magic for myself?

I didn't want to be like Isadora- taking every single emotion from someone, just for the sake of taking away their pain. What about their happiness? Their love? I couldn't bear the thought of ruining people like that. Is that what he's been mad about all this time?

"Y/n, are you even listening?" said Poppy Sweeting, who was sitting across from me. She was a sweet Hufflepuff girl with an immense love for all magical beasts. She was so kindhearted, and had been there for me through everything after my fifth year. 

"I'm sorry, I must've spaced off," I admit to her.

"That's okay, I was just asking you about your class schedule. I've been put into advanced potions and I was wondering if you were too," she said.

"Yes, I'll be in that one," I replied. I rested my head out the window and focused on the landscapes around us. We were getting close, so I pulled my Slytherin robe on. Poppy pulled her Hufflepuff robe on as well, giving me a sad smile. She of all people knows how much I've been through over the last two years. Despite the fact that everything happened so long ago, I was still suffering.

There was so much PTSD. No one as young as I should have to witness that much death and violence. The amount of death and violence I caused myself, as well. 

Oh yes, I knew the unforgivables well. Sebastian and I made quick work of our enemies that way. It left a scar on you, not one that people can see, but one you feel and live with every singe day.

You see, the unforgivable curses are different from every spell. You have to mean them for them to work. You have to want to hurt, to kill, to damage those around you. There's a certain blood lust you get lost in after using them for so long, it's hard to free yourself. But I'm happy to say that I haven't used a single one since the end of my fifth year. After seeing what they did to Sebastian, I couldn't bring myself to.

The train reached the station, and we all entered the school with excitement and joy. This place was like home to me and I was devastated that this would be my last year. I wish I could've started sooner than I did. 

Poppy and I separated once we made it into the great hall, as we had to sit at our respective tables. I could help but notice Sebastian down at the end of the table. He was really back. I was glad to see he was here again, and part of me wanted to sit next to him and tease him like old times. But I knew I couldn't do that. I don't think he'd want me to. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now