Chapter 114 Coo Exposed

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Ye Chen frowned when he heard the words. He was not surprised when he heard Liang Ye's voice. It was not a difficult choice for that guy to choose between life and dignity, let alone being able to drag himself into the puddle. Zhao Chenshen Well, this is probably his last way out.

The referee was a little annoyed at being suddenly interrupted, looked directly in the direction of the competition area, and said with a cold face: "Ye Chen's strength is obvious to all, and he didn't commit any fouls during the game. Please stand up if you disagree with your judgment."

Just now, Liang Ye clenched his fist nervously because no one noticed that he stopped him loudly. The damage to his mental strength made him feel physical pain and torture even in the star network, and all of this was caused by Ye Ye. Dust hurts! Thinking of His Majesty's threat to him, Liang Ye didn't have time to hesitate any longer. He bravely walked to the stage, appeared in the sight of everyone, and said dryly: "I, I have evidence to prove that Ye Chen cheated. Qualified to stand on the podium of the Star Network Competition!"

As soon as Liang Ye's voice fell, the referee hadn't reacted yet, but the star network live broadcast platform had already turned upside down one by one.

"Emmm, the sour smell is almost overflowing the screen, okay? Didn't it mean that his mental strength is damaged, so he can't heal his wounds at home and come here on the day of Ye Mowang's championship to make things difficult for others. What kind of grudge? I believe Liang now It is true that people injected Ye Mowang with stabilizers since they were young, and the whole family is crazy, and they can't see others well."

"Does he want to say that the Leaf Demon King cheated to win the game against him? Did he think we were all blind? With his little ability, we Leaf Demon King need to cheat?"

''Looking at his swearing look, it's impossible to come up and report without showing anything, right? He's not that stupid, is he? "

Ye Chen raised his eyes and looked at Liang Ye's avatar of spiritual power, which was so weak that it was almost transparent, and it was not easy to be afraid of it. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with a half-smile: Login to Starnet, are you in good spirits?"

Liang Ye's face was so gloomy that he could drip water, he stared at Ye Chen fiercely and said, "Thanks to you."

The referee at the side looked at Liang Ye's appearance, frowned subconsciously, and said with some vigilance: "Cool, what evidence do you have to prove that Ye Chen cheated?"

The previous Xingwang virus incident has not been investigated, and the possibility of Liang Ye voluntarily bringing the virus into the Xingwang system has not been ruled out. The staff of the Xingwang competition center naturally did not like this troublesome contestant. The people of His Highness kicked him out long ago when he interrupted. The referee paused and warned coldly: "If your evidence is not enough to prove that Ye Chen cheated, the organizer of the Star Network Competition will In the name of disrupting the order of the game, you will be suspended for more than two years."

Hearing this, Liang Ye turned his gaze to the referee, and said expressionlessly, "Don't call me Cool. The real Cool is not me, but Ye Chen!"

"It's not me who won the Star Network Virtual Fighting Competition for two consecutive times, but him! Four years ago, he used my account to log in to Star Network to participate in the competition in order to get the prize money of the competition. He is an imposter. Such a person I am not qualified to continue participating in the competition at all!"

The whole network was in a state of chaos. Although some people even posted a comparative analysis post on the forum beforehand, although there were people who doubted it without a real hammer, they were in the minority after all, and most of them were directly given by Ye Chen's fans. It was suppressed, but now, Liang Ye stood on the stage and personally admitted this fact, the situation is different "What you said is true?" The referee frowned and looked at Liang Ye suspiciously. To be honest, he also saw I had read the post on, but I didn't really believe it. The Liang family treated Ye Chen badly. He was so powerful that there was no need to help Liang Ye cheat. The disparity in combat power also made him wonder whether Liang Ye was unwilling to become a puddle of mud that everyone shouted and beaten. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's true! When I was in school, Ye Chen often borrowed my optical brain. Logging into Starnet, at first I didn't know that he secretly used my account to participate in the competition. It wasn't until later that he won two championships. When I was online, someone asked me to interview me, and I didn't know that he pretended to be my name. Although many journalists and brand owners approached me in the past few years, I never agreed to them, because I just didn't want to use a name that didn't belong to me to make money."

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