Chapter 32 Ye Chen is the only one

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Song Yuan glanced at Liang Ye in surprise when he heard the words. Of course he had heard of Cool's name, and he had carefully analyzed the videos of the two world competitions that the other party had participated in. In terms of fighting strength alone, he had to say that he was indeed no match.

For a while, he also reposted and recommended the other party's battle video clips. He didn't expect the mysterious and unpredictable Cool in the legend to be such a narrow-minded man in private. It's really a waste of his previous praises, and he will delete them all when he goes back. !

Ye Chen was already very unhappy with Liang Ye's bluffing and deceiving outside in his own name. Now that the two of them collided with each other, he would naturally not be polite. He looked at the manager who nodded and bowed to Liang Ye and said, "Who are you?" Ah? You opened the Star Grid Fighting Competition?"

The manager looked at Ye Chen arrogantly and sneered: "Although I didn't initiate the competition, I am the person in charge of the youth group of this year's competition. In my elimination list, there is no need to waste effort."

"Oh." Ye Chen responded perfunctorily, glanced lazily at the other party and said, "I'm here to participate in the youth competition, so I'm sorry."

"..." The person in charge of the manager was choked, and by the time he realized it, Ye Chen had already arrived at the door of the youth group's registration office, and he turned around and looked at him with a smile on purpose: "Comrade person in charge, although You can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth, but I'm a good person who repays grievances with kindness. As far as I know, the Cool God next to you was calculated by others a few months ago, and now he has become a useless person, not to mention the reappearance of the champion. Brilliant, it is a question of whether you can advance to the first round smoothly, you have to watch carefully."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" As soon as the person in charge said this, Liang Ye exploded immediately, ran up to grab Ye Chen's collar with a dark face, and said with a dark face: "You If you dare to spread rumors again, believe it or not, I will abolish you right now!"

"Do you want to be banned for non-combat fighting?" Seeing this, Song Yuan immediately stepped forward and pushed Liang Ye away, looking at him warily. My boss looks so weak, it's time to take up the task entrusted to me by the marshal!

Ye Chen, on the other hand, tidied up his clothes in a leisurely manner, raised his eyebrows and looked at Liang Ye in surprise. In reality, the cowardly and cowardly guy who would pretend to be poor did not expect to be so arrogant in the virtual world. If you touch your own skin, you will be confident?

"Call me spreading rumors. Everyone knows how strong Cool is at his peak. Do you dare to fight me?" Ye Chen said indifferently. He wanted to take back the glory left to Liang Ye with his own hands. He added with a smile: "I am average in fighting ability, but it is more than enough to defeat a cripple."

When Ye Chen said this, he blocked all of Liang Ye's interfaces. If Liang Ye refused to fight, then he would probably be severely injured and unable to compete as Ye Chen said, or he was afraid. Ye Chen, no matter what it is, is unacceptable to him who has been full of vanity by the name Cool.

"I accept!" Liang Ye couldn't get off the tiger, so he had to stare at Ye Chen and gritted his teeth. At worst, he would find a way to get his "good" cousin to help him again, but... Regarding the suspension of classes, Liang Ye always felt that his cousin seemed to have changed a lot. It seemed that he and his father were still too impatient. The matter of the Royal Military Academy had angered Ye Chen, so he had to find a way...

Seeing that Liang Ye had taken the bait, Ye Chen was instantly satisfied. It seems that being stupid has its benefits, and it can be convenient for others. He said in a good mood: "Come on, don't lose too badly!"

Liang Ye: "..."

"Wait, wait!" The person in charge of the youth was dumbfounded when he watched Cool follow the two into the registration office of the youth group. Although he had some doubts when he heard that Cool was abolished, but this is the person he hired with great difficulty. Why was he abducted into the youth group by two ignorant boys? So what about his achievements!


"Boss, Cool is really abolished?" Seeing that Ye Chen had really signed up for the youth group, Song Yuan leaned closer to Ye Chen's ear nervously and looked at his own boss's frail body.

"You also believe what I said casually?" Ye Chen patted Song Yuan's dog's head with an expression of why are you so stupid.

"...Cool is not weak, or let me come..."

Ye Chen glanced at the loyal Song Yuan speechlessly, and said coolly, "Are you sure you can win him?"

"..." QAQ he didn't!

Ye Chen rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Originally, he just wanted to sign up as soon as possible, but he didn't expect it to be delayed for so long. He already felt the real physical discomfort, so he went offline directly.

Seeing this, Song Yuan immediately went offline, and as soon as he left the star network, he secretly picked up the communicator and sent a message to the marshal.

"Marshal! Longevity! Madam was picked on by Cool on the star network, and now the two have made an appointment in the youth group of the fighting competition! Cool is the champion of the youth group for two consecutive years, I am worried about Madam..." Song Yuan was still afraid Gu Xu didn't know who Cool was, so he did a little research to prove the seriousness of the matter.

"..." God knows that when Marshal Gu saw this news, he had gotten used to it, well, Ye Xiaochen has kept the frequency of doing things well today...

However, compared to the fighting competition, Gu Xu's first reaction was that Ye Chen actually logged into the star network by himself while he was away. George said before that with Ye Chen's current situation, it is best to reduce the use of mental power, although he can't help the opponent's attack Ruanmoyingpao bought him a star network connector, but! Ye Chen, who had agreed not to log on to the StarNet when he was away, didn't hold on for even a day, and then began to act obediently and obediently... This brat really can't be soft-hearted towards him!

"Marshal, Cool has signed up for the youth group of the virtual fighting competition!" Just as Gu Xu was thinking about how to teach Ye Chen a little lesson without hurting him, his adjutant rushed to the school from the military headquarters, with a look on his face. Excitedly came over with the latest registration list for the contest.

"...I already know." Gu Xu frowned and said lightly. In fact, the military department has been looking for Cool for a long time. He has a very high fighting talent. If possible, he wants to dig him out. The military is here. It's just that the other party hasn't been on the star network for a long time, and they haven't had a chance to find him. They didn't expect to have an appointment with Ye Chen.

"...I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to him. I was negligent. Don't worry, I will recruit him in the shortest possible time." Adjutant Lu Chengyuan said with some shame.

"...No need." Gu Xu frowned. If he misses a powerful subordinate, there will always be another one, but Ye Chen only has one. Although he doesn't know the whole story, he will never recruit his wife again. opponent.

Lu Chengyuan: "...???" So good that he admires Cool and wants to keep it for himself? It's too fast to change your mind!

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