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Your hands clawed into his shoulder, he nibbled on your collarbone and would surely leave a few marks.
"That's soooo good," you take a deep breath and throw your head back. Jaehyun's lips now wandered from your collarbones to your breasts. He starts sucking on your nipples, letting his dimples appear, while your hips bounce up and down on his cock. You hear how he groaned but continued to deal with your breasts. In the meantime, you ride him to your climax. Your feet tightened slightly, pressed against his thigh, and your grip on his shoulders grew tighter. Your hips moved up and down on his cock and when your climax was reached you look him deep in the eyes and put your forehead on his. After your orgasm, your body sagged and Jaehyun clutched your body and gently lay on your back.
"Fuck. I'm about to cum ..." He grunted and supported his arms next to your head. His pace accelerated and you stroked his bare chest.
"Cum inside me. Fill my womb." You look up at him with wide eyes and he pushed you even harder. He pressed his lips together and sweat ran down his forehead.
"Please make me a baby, Jaehyun." You moan and the moment his body twitched followed by his warm cum that filled you wet middle. His body fell on yours and he was totally out of breath. He put his head next to yours and stroked your cheeks.
"I hope this time it worked." You sigh and stroke your husband's hair.
"Are you still sad about last night?" Jaehyun turned to you and looked at you with concern. Yesterday you made another pregnancy test. The last one was a month ago after you won the lawsuit with Suji. This test was negative. You had another pregnancy test yesterday because you missed your period but it was negative again. You knew it was normal that it took a few tries, but otherwise, your body needed never so much time. With Miga, Sunoh and the little angel, you were immediately pregnant.
"I kind of hoped it would go faster." You sigh and realize that Jaehyun has become a bit restless.
"Y/N, is it still because of the miscarriage?" He lifted his body up and stared at you.
"I don't know, maybe ... yes ... no ..." You sit up and pull the blanket over your naked body. He hugged you and kissed you.
"Don't stress yourself." He was right, maybe you still had some guilt about your miscarriage.

Jaehyun's solo album came out that day and you wanted to celebrate it with a wonderful family breakfast. Meanwhile, Jaehyun woke up Miga while you were preparing everything. Sunoh was sitting in a child seat and watching you do everything.
"Ba-ba-ba-ba-brrrrr-um-um-um." Sunoh has been babbling so much lately and it always raised your happiness. It was as cute as he tried to communicate with everything and especially with you. So you always try to respond to him.
"Are you telling me what you were dreaming of?" You lean over to him and stroke his cheek. He started to smile and his little dimples appeared. You were so glad that Sunoh had inherited the dimples from his father because he looked so cute and beautiful with them.
"Mhmmmm ... ma-ma-ma-wua-wua-wua:" Sunoh kept chatting with you and you had to grin the whole time while he was talking.
"Is Sunoh chatting about his day again?" Jaehyun came down the stairs with Miga and went to the kitchen to you. He kissed his son's little head and Sunoh started to squeak, laugh and clap his hands.
"Why can't Sunoh talk?" Miga pulled on her father's pants but looked at both of you.
"Because he still has to learn it. You couldn't also speak right away," Jaehyun tried to explain to his daughter.
"If Mummy has a new baby, can't it talk too?" Miga now sits on a chair and you put all the food on the table. There was everything; fresh bread, sausage, eggs, cake, fruit and much more. You wanted nothing to be missing.
"Yes, exactly, it can't speak." Jaehyun smiled and sat down at the table as well.
"When's the new baby coming?" As always, Miga was quite curious and wanted to know everything again.
"Only when Mummy is pregnant with a new baby. But your Mummy is not yet pregnant." Jaehyun looked at you and took your hand to stroke it. You smile and thought it was very loving how he explained everything to her.
"How does Mummy get pregnant?" And there was the topic that Jaehyun wants to avoid.
"Ummm ... a daddy plants a baby in a mummy's stomach and then a baby grows in her. Like a flower." Jaehyun quickly put a cake on Miga's plate so that she was busy eating and not asking further questions.
"But you said it nicely." You smile and give Jaehyun a kiss.
You enjoy breakfast because it was a long time ago that you all could sit together so comfortably. It wouldn't be long before Jaehyun could fulfill his dream. You can then work more intensely on baby number 3, Jaehyun can build a closer relationship with his children and you were sure that everything would be better in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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