ii.v (a,m)

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You wake up, look at the clock in shock and couldn't realize what happened. You have not woken up by yourself for a long time. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and you hear nothing. Nothing at all. You got up and look after your children, but they were all still asleep. You go back to the bedroom and lie down on the upper body of your husband, who was sleeping peacefully.
"Jaehyun", you whisper softly and stroke his hair. He moved briefly and you only hear a short grunt.
"Jaehyun, the kids are still sleeping." Your hands moved away from his hair and walked to his bare torso.
"We should take advantage of that." You are still whispering, but your lips were so close to his neck that you could see how he got goose bumps. Jaehyun finally responded, but his eyes were still closed. He smirked and put his hands on your hips.
"Jaehyun, I want you." You moan lustfully and reach for his length. At that moment, he opened his eyes and looked at you in surprise. You take his hand and lead it under your panties.
"Feel how wet I am." You rub his hand between your folds and turn your eyes inwards. You start moaning and even if you exaggerate a bit, you knew that Jaehyun got horny because of it. He did not say anything and just watch you, how you satisfy yourself with his hand. You start with your other hand to massage your breasts and moan even more intense.
"Shit." Jaehyun groaned and sat up.
"Undress yourself." His tone was suddenly very serious, and his eyes were very focused. And you knew one thing, if he commands something in that state, then it's best to follow.
You let go of his hand and completely expose your body. Meanwhile, Jaehyun also took of his clothes completely. While you came back to him, he massaged his length.
"How do you want me?" You sit on your knees right in front of him and look at him submissively. You liked the game and it made your sex life so much more intense. Jaehyun was in bed very dominat and showed you where to go.
"Turn around" he attacked you and you follow his instructions. You stood half in bed with your knees waiting for more. Then you suddenly feel his hand on your shoulder, which presses you down firmly.
"So you want me?" His voice was suddenly deep, and you continue to feel the pressure on your back, which made you hardly to move.
"Yes, Jaehyun, give it to me." You held tight to the edge of the bed and from one second to the other you can feel how his dick was inside you. It didn't take long for him to pull his best part completely out of you and pushed fast back. You stifle your scram in the bed sheets and you feel how he was firmly grabbed your ass. Doggystyle was the best position for you both. For Jaehyun you were tighter, and he was able to reach your G-spot so much better. You feel his dick thrust into your perfect point and stimulate you closer to your orgasm.
"I'm close." You moan and raise yourself a bit. Jaehyun took your hair and pulled it hard. It hurt, but you liked it, because Jaehyun really got going harder and faster if he did this. You could almost reach the stars and your orgasm was so close. But there you hear your baby crying through the baby monitor. Jaehyun stopped for a moment, but you did not want that.
"He can stay alone for a moment. Keep going." You turn back to Jaehyun and look at him angrily. You did not want to take that feeling away now. But then you hear Miga crying in the corridor. She crawled out of her bed and was on the way to you.
"Fuck." Jaehyun pulled his dick out of you and got dressed again. You also get dressed and see how your daughter came into the bedroom.
"Mommy, Daddy ... I'm hungry." She rubbed her eyes and her hair was completely messed up. You sigh, because you had no choice anyway. Jaehyun went into the kitchen with Miga and you went to Sunoh.

You hear later Jaehyun and Miga arguing. It was an issue that became more and more of a problem since Sunho was born. When Jaehyun went to work every time, Miga started crying and / or screaming. Since Sunoh was still restless, you lift him over your shoulder and go to the two. Jaehyun was about to put on his shoes, but Miga had one in her hands.
"Miga, finally give me my shoe." Jaehyun sighed annoyed and held out his hand. But the little girl shook her head.
"NO," she screamed and made a pout. You decide that Jaehyun has to handle this fight alone, because after all, he is lately really often at work because he wants to work on his solo album. A consequence is that his daughter misses him, and he had to deal with it. You go to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat. Jaehyun's iPhone was next to the coffee machine and you wanted to bring it to him, but then it lights up.
"I'm already downstairs, we can still get something to have breakfast." The message was from Suji and your heartbeat stopped for a second. In the moment you were so angry that you ran straight to him, still with your baby on your shoulder. Meanwhile, Jaehyun already had his shoe back, but Miga was still angry.
"You forgot your phone in the kitchen. Oh and Suji wrote to you." Jaehyun looked at you wide-eyed and Miga suddenly became quiet. He reads her message and put his iPhone in his jacket pocket. He sighed but said nothing. But that just made you even more angry.
"Don't you want to say anything about having breakfast with your ex-girlfriend while your daughter doesn't want to give you your shoe because she misses you so much?" It was hard for you to breathe because you were full of anger. Your little son also noticed your stress level and started to cry.
"It's not like that, it's all business." Jaehyun looked desperately at you, but you just don't understand it.
"What is there business? Suji is devious and fake." You stroke your son's back that at least he is calm. Jaehyun's iPhone continued to vibrate, and he sighed.
"Suji just wants to help me, you should stop being jealous. Just be happy for me, that I can fulfill my lifelong dream." He took his bag and opened the door. In the meantime, Miga started to cry again and the children's scream echoed down the hall.
"I really have to go now." Jaehyun's phone kept vibrating and you just stare after him. He closed the door and let you stand with the children in the anteroom. As tears rolled down your face, Sunoh and Miga cried too. But you had to be strong now, you could not show your children that you were so weak. You allow Miga to watch some videos on your tablet and you rock Sunho a little in your arms until he calms down as well. When you have had a few minutes for you, you try to breathe deeply. You didn't have many friends here because you moved to Seoul just because of Jaehyun. But there was one person you always felt good about. You knew you should not call him, because Jaehyun didn't want it. Much has happened between all of you, but at the end - he was a friend.
You pick his number and know in the moment that it was a mistake. But you needed someone to talk to.
"Hello?" You hear the all-too-familiar voice and were relieved that he had picked up immediately.
"Doyoung, can you come over for a minute?"

to be continued...

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