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the Jung's in Switzerland / part 2

The first day in Switzerland wasn't optimal. A snowstorm came up and you were unable to walk out. You all try to pass the time in the chalet. Jaehyun was talking to Lee Soo-man and you were silently nursing Sunoh. Miga got bored and she tapped with her little feets through the house until she found a "victim".
"Who are you?" With wide eyes she looked up at the man, who was looking deep in his phone. He looked up from the screen and smiled.
"Yukhei." He said with a big grin. Since Jaehyun and he aren't that close, Miga barely knew him.
"Ju-hai?" She had a hard time pronouncing his name.
"You can call me Xuxi too." He laughed and set his phone aside.
"Xuxi? That sounds funny." She started to giggle and turned back and forth while she is standing in the same place.
"What do you have in there?" He pointed to the bag she was carrying with her.
"There are my things in there." She put the bag on the table and put the stuff out.
"Should I draw something with you?" He asked, and Miga nods as she puts her things on the table. She packed out of the bag some books, papers, pens, and a few cookies she had secretly pocketed. Yukhei had to laugh, she was so professional but also totally cute.
"Do you like painting?" Yukhei asked her while she pushed a paper and some pens over to him.
"Mummy always paints with me, but since Sunoh's here, she doesn't have that much time. " She begins to draw something and tells her situation to her new friend.
"Yes, I know that well. I have a little brother too." Yukhei laughs and looks at the little girl.
"Is your brother a baby too?" She didn't look at him while she questioned him.
"No, he is already an adult." Yukhei found the whole conversation super entertaining.
"Is he so big like Daddy?" She begins to draw a sun and had to change her pen.
"No, he is bigger." Explained Yukhei and continues drawing.
"Daddy is the biggest person I know." For Miga, that's clear, because after all, her father was her hero. Yukhei laughed, but he didn't want to tell her the truth, that he and Johnny were bigger than Jaehyun. Miga continued to draw, but the pen was already pretty blunt.
"We have to throw away the pen." Miga shows Yukhei her pen which she puts aside.
"Why? We can sharpen him." Lucas smiled and drew on.
"Daddy says to Mummy that he can't here in Switzerland sharpen his pen." She told it as if it were totally normal, but Yukhei had to start laughing. He knew that Jaehyun didn't mean what Miga thought. He just couldn't stop, and Miga thought his laugh was so funny that she giggled too. But her eyes were still on him and she waited for further reactions, because she didn't quite know what was so funny.
At that moment, Mark and Taeyong came to them and sat down.
"What's so funny?" Asked Mark as he sat next to Miga. She got hearts in her eyes when she saw that her crush was sitting next to her. Yukhei still had to laugh and wasn't ready to talk when Jaehyun joined them. He looked pretty tense and annoyed and Yukhei knew it wasn't the time to explain this funny situation.

As Jaehyun came to the table, Miga looked happily to her father. She picked up her drawing and showed it to him.
"That looks really nice." He smiled and picked her up. He kissed her hair and sat on the chair, placing Miga on his lap.
"Everything okay?" Taeyong realized something was wrong.
"No. The restraining order has been declined." He sighed and stroked his daughter's head. He felt safe when she was with him. Miga had something incredibly reassuring for him when she just sat there and drew.
"Are you going to tell Y/N?" Mark asked his friend and he looked worried now.
"I don't want to keep anything from her, but she's supposed to enjoy the holiday. Suji has brought a lot of problems and it's finally harmonious and peaceful again." Jaehyun looked at his daughter's drawing and thought about what he should do. He was in a really stupid situation.
"I don't like Suji, she was mean to Mummy." Suddenly Miga threw this on and Jaehyun looked down at her in surprise.
"Say my sweetheart, do you know Suji?" Jaehyun thought that she had never really met her.
"Yes, she said to Mummy that she is fat, that she is a housewife and only gets money from you Daddy and then Mummy cried." Miga went on drawing while Jaehyun remembered. You and Miga have met her since then in the company. He didn't even know that Suji said such things.
"I think I should talk to her. Can you take care of Miga again?" Jaehyun stood up and put Miga back on the chair. Mark, Taeyong and Yukhei nodded.

Before Jaehyun came into the room, he heard you singing a nursery rhyme. That's why he just opened the door cautiously and he saw you sitting at the bed where you are putting on Sunoh his romper. He stopped for a moment and watched you silently. It was so peaceful, and he wished he could see you every day like this. This picture had so much love and he wondered if he could give that to his children, what you give them.
"You are so cute. I would like to eat you up." You start to tickle your son, because you love it when he starts to laugh. He always opens his mouth, his dimples appear which he had from Jaehyun, and he starts squealing. Jaehyun laughed and now you know that he was also in the room. You look to the side and lift your son.
"Look, there's your daddy." You kiss your baby's cheek and he keeps laughing. Jaehyun sat down in bed and gave Sunoh also a kiss on the cheek.
"I thought after Miga that we can't do anything more perfect but look at this boy." You put him in your arms and stroke his tummy.
"Y / N ... Miga has told me something." Jaehyun struggles to break that harmony, but he wanted to be honest. No obstacle should stand between you two anymore.
"Did she divulge anything?" You laugh and finally look at your husband. But Jaehyun remained serious.
"What happened back when you met Suji when you were pregnant?" Your smile vanished and it surprised you that Miga apparently still remembered it.
"Jaehyun, I really don't want that ..." It was uncomfortable for you to raise the topic again. Somehow, you were also embarrassed.
"Please, I have to know everything. The restraining order has been rejected." Jaehyun put his hand on your knee and looked pleadingly at you. It didn't surprise you that it was rejected. Your lawyer had already warned you, as there was no evidence.
"Well, I was really done that day. I was very pregnant with the little sweetheart here ..." You stop and gently stroke your son's head. "And Miga was quite moody. I lost my temper and shouted at her. I was so sorry, but then Suji came to us and told me she was back in the company and that she wanted to produce your solo album. She said she want never to get pregnant, because the body would never look the same again, and because the sex isn't good anymore. She said that I was a housewife who just lived on your money and that you will probably know what you are doing." You breathe deeply when you're done. It wasn't easy to tell everything.
"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" Jaehyun was stunned. He never thought that Suji had talked to you like that.
"Jaehyun, we had so many problems at the time and Sunoh was also on the way, I just couldn't ..." You sigh and stroke your finger over Sunoh's cheek. It was already so far away for you. So much has happened and now you had your baby.
"I'm so sorry, I was a real asshole. I was a bad husband and dad." Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair and rested his head in his palms.
"I know you always want to be perfect, but we all make mistakes and it's all good if we are learning from them." Jaehyun looked up at you and he couldn't believe how composed you were. But the distance to Korea and the time as a family did you good. And Jaehyun could see that and realized even more, what has you missed away all the time.
"It will not be easy with Suji." He sighed and looks to you.
"I know that's why it's important that I can rely on you to 100%." You look at him seriously. There are still many lawyer talks coming up and you didn't want to go through this alone.
"I promise." He takes your free hand and put a gentle kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and enjoy his warmth. And in that moment, you knew that everything was going to be alright. 

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