Christmas Special 1 - A little surprise

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It was Johnny and Johanna who invited your family to their home. They cooked something and the two were really happy together. Somehow everything seemed everything harmonious between the two. More harmonious than usual. They looked at each other in love and laughed all the time. It was really sweet to watch them both. And as Miga slowly fell asleep on Jaehyun's lap, the couple told them what made them especially happy.
"We are pregnant." The two proclaimed this simultaneously and joyfully. Jaehyun looked briefly at you and you had to grin.
"Congratulations, which week are you?" You asked excitedly. You were glad that it works finally out for the two.
"I'm in the 13th week. We were at the doctor today and everything looks good, our baby is healthy. " Johanna shines all over her face and you had to grin too.
"Yes, we are very excited." Johnny's eyes lit up and you could see the pure happiness. Johanna took her phone and showed the ultrasound. The couple was really proud, and you were really happy for the two.
The rest of the evening you and Jaehyun give Johanna and Johnny tips and you talk about pregnancy. Sometimes it was difficult for you to hold back that you were also pregnant. But you still wanted to wait until the 3rd month.

After you put Miga in bed at home and breastfeed Sunoh again, you are still in bed with Jaehyun and you talk about the evening.
"It is unbelievable that the two are also going to have a child now." Jaehyun grinned and you could see how happy he was, that he had a baby with his friend at the same time.
"Yes, the children will be the same age. Our little angel will come hopefully two months later." You stroke your belly and smile.
"I have to tell this our little angel." Jaehyun also put his hand on your stomach and grinned.
"It can't hear you yet, it's still too small for that." You laugh, but you close your eyes and relax a bit.
"It doesn't matter. He will understand me anyway. " Jaehyun slid down so his face was against your stomach and he pushed up your shirt so he could put his warm palms on your skin.
"Hey, here's your daddy. I know you're still very small, but your mummy and I are still looking forward to seeing you, even if you were a little surprise for us. You will like it here, your mummy is beautiful, she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and her big sister looks so much like her. And then you have a brother, you will like him because when you're born, he's only one year older. But today we find out that one of my best friends gets also a baby soon. You'll be the same age, go to school together, you'll be friends and we'll do a lot of things together. So, enough talk for today, don't stress your mummy too much. We are looking forward to seeing you." You were touched by how Jaehyun talked to the baby. He was so soulful, so caring. At that moment you feel so much love.

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