ii.xxx. (m)

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"Daddy. Someone is at the door." Miga jumps on her father's lap and grins.
"I'll open it," you said to the two and open the door. You were surprised because you didn't expect the person in front of you and what they carried with him was also surprising.
"Yuta" You call out surprisingly. "And a baby!"
Yuta has a small child in his arms. Maybe two to three months old. On his other side, he carried a large bag.
"May I come in?" He looked at you uncertainly and you granted him entry. Jaehyun came to the door with Miga and watched what happens.
"Yuta what is this? Who owns this baby?" Jaehyun looked at his friend in shock and could not yet assign the individual parts. Yuta put his bag down and you all go into the living room.
"I came to the dorm and suddenly stood she in a baby seat, a bag and a letter at the door. Apparently, I have been the father of a daughter named Chichi for 3 months. It's from Shiori, that's why she left me. She was pregnant. In the letter, she wrote that she can't be a mother and that's why she brought Chichi to me. I didn't know what to do and you have two children, you know what to do. How do I know if she is hungry or if she is cold or warm? What if she gets sick?" Yuta sighed desperately and looked at the little girl. He was visibly devastated.
"Yuta, are you sure the baby is yours?" Jaehyun asked seriously because after all, it can be any baby. He shook his head and looked anxiously between you and Jaehyun. At that moment Chichi starts to cry. Yuta panicked and you decide to hug the little girl and rock her to stop her from crying.
"What should I do?" Yuta grabbed his forehead and sighed. He was so lost and so desperate. You look at him and felt pity, it must be hard to find out that way to be a father.
"I would have an idea. What if you stay with us for a few days. You can sleep in Miga's room and we can help you with Chichi, give you a baby crash course - so to speak. And we can call our pediatrician right away and we will make an appointment immediately to check out the little girl and take a paternity test." You look at Chichi who slowly calmed down in your arms. In any case, she looked healthy and she is really beautiful.
"Would that really be okay?" Yuta looked visibly relieved because he had no plan. He liked children but didn't deal with them much.
"Yes, it's not a problem at all. Miga will be happy that she can sleep in bed with us." Jaehyun smiled and patted his friend's shoulder encouragingly.

You brought Yuta later to your pediatrician who could still give you an appointment. Since Chichi was apparently not breastfed, you showed Yuta how to make a milk bottle, how to change her diapers and other basic elements.
"I can't believe Yuta is a father now. The whole day is so unreal." Jaehyun strokes the dark hair of his daughter, who is already asleep. She was super happy in the big bed of her parents and she always liked being close to her father.
"Yeah, you're right. I can't believe Shiori did that. How can you expose your child? I'm sorry for Chichi." You sigh and lay yourself into the bed too. You look at Miga and watch her for a while. She clutched her alpaca toy tightly that she became from Jaehyun. When he gave her this gift a few days ago, you were a little annoyed because you thought at the moment that he was spoiling Miga too much. But you were glad that Jaehyun looked after her like this, always thought of his children and now also spent more time with them. You thought it would be healthiest if both parents were involved in the parenting. And at that moment you feel so much gratitude. You turn to Jaehyun and look at him dreamily.
"Thank you for being there for the kids." You smile and he then kisses you.

The next morning you sit at the table with Miga, Sunoh, and Jaehyun. You are trying to convert Sunoh to normal food. You had prepared him a sweet mashed potato and it seems that he liked it. Jaehyun feeds him with a spoon and when Sunoh swallowed the pap, he started to laugh and slapped the plastic table with his flat hands. It was so funny that you had to film it right away. With every spoon, he started to laugh and apparently your little boy is now able to enjoy the food. But you don't have to breastfeed him anymore. With Miga, you were also sad because somehow a connection breaks off. But on the other hand, you were now free and more flexible. Likewise, you didn't have to keep pumping when Sunoh wasn't with you.
"Morning." Yuta came to you, his circles under his eyes were very dark and he looked as if he had hardly slept.
"The first night with a baby is never easy." Jaehyun laughed and pushed a coffee over to his friend.
"Come, I'll take Chichi from you." You take the little girl from Yuta's arms and prepare a bottle for her.
"She kept waking up and crying. I think she's looking for her mother." Yuta sighed and started drinking the coffee. He looked really exhausted. But you couldn't do everything for him.
"Mummy, Daddy? Can I watch TV?" Miga got up and looked at you with her sweet look.
"I sit in the living room with Miga and feed Chichi. Jaehyun, do you keep feeding Sunoh?" You take the milk bottle and test the temperature. Jaehyun nodded and you go out of the kitchen with the two girls.
"Everything looks so easy with her." Yuta looked after you and Jaehyun stuffed another spoonful of pap into Sunoh's mouth.
"I think that's practice." Jaehyun laughed and watched Sunoh start laughing and clapping again.
"No, not only. You just notice what kind of connection to the children she has. Chichi is calm with her immediately." Jaehyun thought about Yuta's words for a while. He looked over at you and saw you feeding Chichi and laughing with Miga and talking about the TV-show. He was really lucky with you and you were a good mother for his children. He had never thought about you doing it all so selfless. You had such a passion for the kids and Jaehyun never thought that his children would grow up in a house with so much love. Of course, his parents were always there for him, but you were just so passionate, so loving. And at that moment he felt more love for you than he could ever imagine.

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