ii.xxix. (m)

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You lie with your back on the bed, your head supported by pillows. Jaehyun was over you and his lips were on yours. His hands pulled up your shirt, massaging your breasts. You can feel his erection pressing against your thigh. But when he tried to pull your panties down, you blocked. Again.
"No. I can't." Your voice was very quiet, but you stop his arms.
"Y/N, we haven't had sex in weeks. I thought you were ready for it." Jaehyun was visibly disappointed. He hung his head and sighed.
"I thought I was, but ..." You look at him sadly, you didn't even know what was so difficult about it.
"What if we take it very slowly? I'll make you feel good." Jaehyun started kissing along your waist, but when he was at your panties again.
"NO!" Only afterward did you realize that you had screamed. Jaehyun looked at you in horror. He got up and disappeared into the bathroom. You turn to the side and feel guilty. Jaehyun was there for you all the time, was always loving, always tender. You didn't know why your body was so closed to him.
After half an hour, Jaehyun came to your bed again. His hair was still wet and he lay down to you without a word.
"I am so sorry." Tears gathered in your eyes and your voice trembled.
"I don't know why my body is blocked like this." You were so disappointed and you couldn't understand yourself. You wanted to sleep with Jaehyun, you wanted it so much.
"Hey, you don't have to cry." Jaehyun hugged you and gave you a gentle kiss.
"I just feel so bad. You were there for me all the time and I can't..." With wide eyes, you look up at your husband.
"No, sex is something both of us should enjoy. Your body has been through so much. I just can't understand what you were going through. Don't feel guilty, okay?" He kissed you again and you nod. But still, the thought didn't let you go.

The next day, Jaehyun had to go to the company all day. You are already looking forward to the time when he would be here more. But now you had to take care of everything. You brought Miga to kindergarten, cook, entertain and feed Sunoh, collect Miga again, eat together, take her to her ballet lesson, and collect her again. It was the daily cycle. You love this time and you enjoy spending time with your children, but every time the children are already asleep and Jaehyun was not there, you were a little lonely.
You spoke to your sister Audrey on the phone today. You exchange news and tell her about your current problem.
"I don't know why, but every time it gets serious my body blocks." You sigh and start sorting the laundry.
"Have you ever done it yourself since the miscarriage?" Your sister asked about this and you could say that this has never been in your mind since then.
"Maybe at the beginning you have to start trusting your body again yourself. You have to get to know it again." Your sister was right and when you made your phone call, you stood in front of the drawer and wondered whether you should try it. You take another look and check whether your children are already asleep. Then you light a scented candle and play soft Lofi music. You take off your panties and lie down in your bed. You take your massager out of the drawer and put it on your sensitive point. You close your eyes and think of Jaehyun. You think of the time when you were in Switzerland and you had the chalet for yourself and you were able to relax completely towards him. And at the moment you feel how your body reacted.

Jaehyun knew that the day would be long. When he got home, he thought you were already asleep. He was looking forward to playing Overwatch a bit, maybe with Haechan - when he had the time. But when he came into the apartment, he saw that light was still shining from the bedroom and when he came closer he heard your soft moan. He looks carefully into the room, but you didn't notice him.
Jaehyun didn't see much, but he saw your legs stretched over the bed and he saw your negligee pulled up to your stomach. The sound of the massager was almost as loud as your moan. Jaehyun stared at you for a while and he remembered how he was watching you masturbating a while ago.

You were just 3 months pregnant with Sunoh at the time. Jaehyun also came home very late. He saw that you were in the bathroom and in the bathtub. In your bathroom, there was a mirror at the entrance reflecting the side of the bath. Before Jaehyun came in, he looked at you. You lay relaxed, your breasts were plump and hard and were also carried by the water. Almost your entire body was covered with foam, but your nipples still protruded. Jaehyun was fascinated by your sight and he already wanted to come to you, maybe joining you in the bathtub. But then you suddenly take the massager and turn it on. You held it under the water and you suddenly heard the dull sound of vibrating. You bite your lower lip and start moaning. Jaehyun was frozen, he had caught you in such an intimate moment that not even he knew. He stared at your breasts as they moved up and down in sync with your groans. He didn't want to bother you at that moment, because somehow he found it exciting. And so he could not help but open his pants and take his dick out. He continued to look through the mirror as you bring yourself closer to the climax. Jaehyun pumped his length hard and fast and had to try not to reveal himself. He secretly loved to jerk off to you. He stared at your breasts, your swollen lips, by always biting on them. And he saw your breath speed up. Automatically he also got faster and he didn't even notice how plump and red his best part was. And when you reached your climax, he knew he was also ready. Only he couldn't just spread his cum in front of the bathroom door. With his pants half down, he quickly ran into the living room and reached for the next tissue to quickly get rid of his orgasm.

Jaehyun smiled as he reminisced about this memory. But this time he didn't want to be a spectator. He entered the bedroom and stood next to the bed. You startle and switch off the device immediately. You feel caught and guilty.
"Jaehyun, I ..." How could you tell him that you had to explore your body before you could sleep with him again? But Jaehyun sits down in bed to you.
"May I continue?" He smiled dirty and you look at him in surprise. You nod and place yourself in front of him. You spread your legs while Jaehyun took off your negligee. He starts kissing your neck and you notice how he put the massager on you again. First, he turns it on and then he puts his other hand on your breast.
"Just relax and just feel good." You follow his instruction and sit back to enjoy the further vibrations. Your groan grew louder and you clenched in his thigh.
"Oh Jaehyun, oh my god." You keep moaning and you hear that he was groaning too. Your whole body twitched and you are just a vibration away from your orgasm.
"I want to see you coming." He turns one step up and you throw an arm behind and your legs twitch. Jaehyun gets out everything out of you and pressed again firmly against your clit. You're almost screaming and hoping that you won't wake anyone up and at some point, the pain came that was pretty uncomfortable. Jaehuyn removed the massager from you and hugged you tightly in your arm.
"Thank you." You turn your head back and kiss him.
"I always like to volunteer." He winked and kissed you again.
"I'll be ready soon. Will you give me some more time?" You feel how he held your naked body tight in his arms and you love the pressure, his warmth.
"Take as much time as you want. I'll be there for you." He smiled and gave you a kiss.

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