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The day was not easy in any way. Miga was furious with her father, screaming all day, Jaehyun was unsure about that and Sunoh felt the tension and cried as well. When you put him to sleep, you realize that you have no diapers. You go down quickly to the convenient store to quickly buy a few, so you were at least for the next day equipped. It only took a minute for you to be outside. But when you went to your doorway, you see the same Mercedes from Suji again. It was already dark, so you were not sure, but it was weird that the same car was back in the same place. You try to push the thought aside and go back to the apartments.

Jaehyun sat on the couch and looked at his iPhone, but when he saw you, he jumped up immediately.

Honestly, you did not want to talk to him. The day was exhausting, and you were just tired. You would like to take a warm bath and then go to sleep.

You lay off the diapers and go to the bedroom. Jaehyun follows you, as your dog always did. You decide to ignore it and just continue your daily routine. You were used to spending the evening alone the last days anyway. As you search for fresh pajamas in the dresser, you suddenly feel Jaehyun's hands on your shoulders.

"Y/N..." He buries his lips in your neck. He pressed his body tight against yours and you cling to the edge of the dresser.

"Stop it." You whisper, because it was difficult for you to prevail against him today. But he got rougher and his hands moved to your breasts. You feel his hip pressing into your bottom and it all felt wrong for you.

"I love you so much ..." He groaned while distributing kisses on your neck and massaging your breasts. But that was what he always did.

"STOP IT." You suddenly yell at him and try to break out of his grip.

"You always try to solve our argument with sex and we never talk, I'm so tired of it." You turn to him and take a step to the side. He did it so often. If you are arguing, he always tried to seduce you and it often worked because you have a great need for harmony.

Jaehyun looks at you wide-eyed and was stunned for a moment. His tactics did not work anymore, so he did not know what to do.

"Jaehyun, I can't do it like this anymore. This is not a real relationship we have anymore. Sometimes you dive out of your company, say hello to your kids and then you fuck me. Do you really think that you have your paternal and marital responsibilities with it fulfil?"Jaehyun sighed, ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the bed. He searched for words for a while, but you gave him this space.

"I know ..." He started his sentence and hesitated again. But you keep him thinking.

"I know so much that I fail. I thought I could do it all." His gaze lowers and he looks as if he is ashamed of it. You sigh and sit down to the bed as well. In the corner of his eye you can see that his phone is constantly flashing, but you did not want him to see it. You could already guess who it was.

"When you asked me if we were getting married, I thought we were choosing to have a family together, and we've had a good start with Miga, that's why she loved you so much. You were her daddy and you have her treated as if she were your greatest treasure. It brought us both together, and I thought that's why you wanted a second child, and you wanted so much a boy, and then you get your wanted son, and now Sunoh doesn't even know you, you even said that yourself lately. And by the way, that you are hardly here anymore, your children barely know you and we hardly have any time for each other, there is Suji. And also with the danger that I'm portrayed as a jealous bitch ... You were so mad at me because I met Doyoung a few days ago, but we've never had a relationship, we've never had sex or anything with each other. I knew you before him and it was always you, Jaehyun. You have always been the person I love. And now you see every day Suji, your ex-girlfriend. You once shared a life with her, you exchanged feelings to each other... fuck Jaehyun...you fucked her too! And you expect me to be tolerant. Do you know what you are expecting from me?" You look at him and your breath was heavy, you had said so little time so much and it was good to have everything spoken out.

daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun JungWhere stories live. Discover now