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The last few days were full of love and family time. You spent the days in bed, wearing your pajamas all day, and watching Disney movies. Miga really loved this time. She was happier than she had been in a long time because she had spent more time with her father than ever before. But Jaehyun and Sunoh were also able to strengthen their bond and he loved to keep his son laughing. You were happy and all worries were gone, but you knew it was going to be serious again soon because the Suji indictment was getting closer.

"Case 102; Suji Kim versus Y/N Jung." The judge admitted and the respective lawyers emerged. You were nervous and clinging to your baby. Sunoh was very calm and lay comfortably over your shoulder. Miga was sitting on Jaehyun's lap and he tried to distract her with his smartphone.
"I read that Lee Soo-man is the third party for SM Entertainment?" The judge looked at his document and suddenly another lawyer came along. You look at Jaehyun, who also shrugged in surprise. You didn't ask Lee Soo-man to help you because you didn't want to sell your daughter. You were nervous, it was just the charge but it was a lot of money. You are expecting your third child soon and you couldn't afford to pay money to Jaehyun's crazy ex-girlfriend. Suji was there too, sitting a few rows in front of you. She smiled contentedly and that scared you.
"What is the charge?" The judge looked at the lawyers and Suji's lawyer cleared his throat.
"Suji Kim was Jaehyun Jung's ex-girlfriend. Since she started at SM Entertainment, Y/N Jung has systematically bullied her, which then culminated in Ms. Jung's physical attack. Ms. Kim then had to go to the hospital and has been severely traumatized Therapy costs and the cost of absenteeism from her job and sponsorship on Instagram result in Ms. Kim losing 90,000,000 won." You couldn't believe it all, it was like you were in the wrong movie.
"Since when is Suji an Instagram model?" You snort angrily and stroke Sunoh's back. Jaehyun just shrugged and continued to take care of Miga.
"That is ridiculous." Your lawyer came forward and came to his statement.
"Y/N Jung neither bullied nor pushed Ms. Kim. Ms. Jung is the mother of two children and I think she's already busy enough. I think she had not the time to bully people in her spare time." Your lawyer laughed, he was convinced that there was no charge.
"We have testimonies to confirm the incident. Ms. Jung's husband's mother can also confirm how much Suji was suffering from bullying." At that moment, Jaehyun also noticed the hearing. You couldn't believe it. Jaehyun's mum, Sunoh and Miga's grandmother, should testify against you? But your lawyer also seemed surprised with the statement.
"We had no information about a new witness." He tries to escape, but the judge sighs.
"They can then put this forward in the case. It looks like we should take a closer look at it." You couldn't believe what it looked like if there was a trial. Jaehyun looked at you in panic too, he didn't understand why his mother did that. Your heart was racing and you couldn't stand the tension.
"Your Honor." Now the third lawyer spoke of Lee Soo-man. You had completely forgotten him, but he gave the assistant a tablet that he brought it to the judge.
"We have two videos that prove Ms. Jung's innocence. The first shows the corridor where the toilets were. We see Ms. Kim smiling, coming out of the toilet, followed a minute later by the then-pregnant Ms. Jung. She clearly cries and her daughter tries to calm her down. To me, it looks more like Ms. Kim bullying Ms. Jung. In the second video, you see the entrance hall. Ms. Kim clearly slips and Ms. Jung asks about her. I think so the case is clear, your honor." The judge looked through the videos and the room was briefly silent. Nobody expected it and everyone was surprised. Sunoh started to babble and it was the only thing you heard in the room. But Suji also seemed shocked. She did not expect that.
"For me, the case is clear." The judge returned the tablet, which the lawyer thankfully accepted again.
"The case is dismissed." He made the final decision and you couldn't believe it. It was done, it was over now. Suji seemed really pissed off. You could see her charging her lawyer and getting her into an argument. Jaehyun kissed you and he was just as relieved as you. You followed your lawyer into the hall and Lee Soo-man stood there.
"I rejected the offer to put Miga under a contract, why did you do it?" You had tears in your eyes because you were so relieved. Jaehyun stood close to you and looked joyfully at his boss.
"We have already invested so much money in Jaehyun's solo album, and we also have a lot of plans for him. We certainly won't let a simple employee take that away. And maybe Miga can just come to us for a few ballet lessons, right?" He leaned down to your daughter and pinched her cheek. She started giggling and you made friends with the thought that she was going to the ballet.
"Thank you for all of this." Jaehyun looked at him seriously and Soo-man nodded. It was all a deal for him in the end, and Jaehyun earned him too much money.
The next moment Suji passed and Soo-man stopped her.
"Suji, I want to see you in my office tomorrow morning at eight. You will then sign your immediate termination." He looked at her seriously and then disappeared with his lawyer. Suji stood perplexed and almost growled with anger. Then she turned to you and her eyes were cold.
"You will bitterly regret that." And when she disappeared, you knew that the war wasn't over yet.

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